The hanger was crowded as engineers and other officers of many ranks bustled about, having their own duties to attend to. Whether it be going to their ship, or going to help another with fixing something. Well, the crew of the Enterprise had their duties to attend to for sure: going back to Earth to kill a demon. The ship that they were assigned to—the Jackdaw—was a Crossfield-Class ship. It was a science-warship vessel that could only carry a fraction of the Enterprise's crew, small in comparison—it was the only other ship available to them, meaning they had to work with what they got.

The crew leaving said their farewells to their friends and families, embracing each other and wishing them luck in return. Sulu and Chekov had both taken turns in holding Demora and smothering her in kisses as she giggled. They both hugged Ben, planting a kiss on either of his cheeks. Gaila Vro hadn't been one of the assigned as she and Uhura embraced each other tightly. They held a brief conversation before Uhura left to board the ship with Spock, arms linked.

"Mr. Sulu set a course for Earth," Jim said as soon as the turbolift doors opened, and took his place in the Captain's Chair. He contacted both Engineering and Medbay--personel of both sections reporting back as ready and set--before calling back to Uhura, "Open a com channel, shipwide."

He cleared his throat. "Attention, crew, this is your captain speaking. As you know, it has been a few days since we've gotten back from Altamid. Now, I know it's been rough and we just had begun to collect ourselves, but there is another obstacle we must face." He paused. "Earth is in danger, and we must stop the man that is behind it all. Those of you that have been assigned to this mission: we need you. You are the only hope we have in winning this. Kirk out."

Jim stood once again and walked over to the turbolift. "Sulu, you have the conn." Spock quickly followed just before the doors slid closed.


"Spock, I'm fine." He cut him off with a sharp exhale. The Vulcan merely tilted his head and raised a brow. "I just never saw this coming." He finally said after a moment's silence, glancing over with an apologetic look.

"Not one of us did, Captain."

"Well, maybe except for benny. She for sure knew this was coming." He mumbled mostly to himself.

"Ms. Wolfe—"

"That's her last name?"

"Yes. Captain, Ms. Wolfe had no other way of contacting the doctor while we were out in space." Spock pointed out. "Neither could the doctor contact her—as far as he knew, she was dead."

"Spock, don't choose sides with her on this—"

"I am not, as you say, 'choosing sides,' with anyone on this matter. I am merely stating the given facts—"

"Okay, okay, I get it." Jim held a dismissal hand up and breathed in deeply, the doors thankfully slid open on his exhale. "I'm just really stressed right now, okay?" He stepped out of the turbolift with Spock falling in step with him right away.

"I know that you worry for Leonard, Jim," Spock spoke softly this time. "I worry too much for the doctor's well-being, but yours as well."

That's when Jim made first eye contact with him that day. "You? Worry?" He asked amusedly. "I appreciate your concern, Spock... Thank you." He could only give a soft smile before making his way into Medbay. He didn't want to give the man a difficult time right now as it was. The Vulcan--taking it that their conversation was over--did not follow him further as he then headed back to the turbolift.

The doors slid open to Medbay and Jim entered. It was (somewhat) painstakingly quiet as there were no patients to be taken care of. Yet it was quite settling all the same. There came grumbling from the CMO. "Bones, what's the matter?"

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