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Leonard wakes up groggily in the temporary living quarters that were his. The lights are dimmed, making the bedroom nearly pitch black--in the living room was only one large and wide window that outlooked Yorktown.

However long ago it was (Leonard never really paid much attention to the time recently. "I need a goddamn break, not a migraine," he'd claimed.), the Enterprise had arrived at Starbase Yorktown to resupply and earn a well-deserved shore leave after several, various difficult missions that Leonard had absolutely and one-hundred percent did not enjoy. It was as soon as they left Yorktown that things started to get worse. ("When do things ever not get worse?") The Enterprise had been lured into the nebula, in all honesty, leaving them at their weakest when the ship was suddenly attacked and destroyed by Krall--formerly Balthazar Edison and previous captain of the U.S.S. Franklin from the 22nd century--a heavily mutated human.

The ship had crashed onto the planet Altamid, most of the crew surviving this attack. Leonard thought his life would end then, but, then again, he knew that wouldn't happen... he knew it couldn't.

The crew had been spread about the planet, all of the survivors--save for Leonard, Spock, Jim, Sulu, Chekov, and Scotty--being held as prisoners in the hands of Krall.

Krall was after revenge on the Federation after he had been stranded on the planet Altamid. He despised them and sought out the Federation's destruction by using what was called the Abronath, a dangerous weapon that would destroy anything in its path. And, of course, it was up to Jim Kirk and most of the bridge crew to save the crew, Starbase Yorktown, and possibly all of the Federation.

And, like in most movies, the good guys won--that meant them. And now, after defeating Krall and his Swarm, here Leonard was: laying in a bed, getting another well-deserved shore leave. Leonard had to be honest, but he was enjoying the extra break they were getting until further notice. In the meantime, a new and improved version of the Enterprise was under construction.

A groan left his parted lips as he reclosed his eyes, taking a few more deep breaths before moving to sit up--but something stopped him. No more was he half-asleep as his attention moved to the person that laid in bed next to him; the person that had their arms wrapped around his torso. Leonard blinked the tiredness away from his eyes, lifting a hand to rub at his eyes as he tried to remember what led to this: either he fell asleep in bed and someone snuck in with him, or he had too many drinks at Jim's birthday party the previous night.

'Oh, Jim,' Leonard thought with a small content smile.

Jim didn't like to celebrate his birthday to only be reminded of his father's death, but Leonard knew damn well that he shouldn't be lonely ever, and that he should spend his birthday with those that he loved: his family. After all, a party was--should Leonard dare say in front of Spock--logical.

That day, on Jim's birthday, the country doctor had suggested that they go out for a drink. It was unknown of the man's true intentions to Jim as the latter led him to a large room, Leonard opening the see-through door for the both of them to be met by the Enterprise crew as they all cheered "Happy birthday!" to the captain. And the smile that spread across Jim Kirk's face was everything that Leonard wanted to see: he wanted to see him happy. Make him happy. No matter the cost, Leonard thought.

With the help and assistance of fellow crew members (and Commodore Paris) they all were given the permission to rent the room, without fee, for the remainder of the night. It wasn't as decorative as most parties you'd normally attend, but at the same time it was, as to keep it from looking too professional. And despite some attendees wearing clothes on proper occasions, it didn't stop anyone from having a good time.

Throughout the entirety of the party, Jim smiled the whole way. It made Leonard smile too. As the party/gathering carried on into the night, all the way to the last person to leave, Leonard had managed to make himself tipsy. Usually, when he was drinking, he was able to keep himself from not getting as drunk as the people around him. But he knew that it was a time to take a break from work and to relax (hence his now tipsy state). But Leonard was not so drunk as to not remember the rest.

Jim had stayed with Leonard until everyone had left--they were one of the last ones to finally leave. That night, as they walked underneath the dim light of the stars outside of Yorktown, Leonard rambled on and joked mostly about Spock's gift to Nyota. It wasn't until later that he found out it originally belonged to the Vulcan's mother. And despite Leonard still finding it funny among other things, he respected Spock's personal life. Then, finally, Jim arrived with Leonard at his quarters.

Leonard then turned to Jim, his feet stopping just before reaching the door. "Thanks, Jimmy-boy," he grinned from ear to ear. "For walking me, I mean." He let out a small, half-hearted chuckle while pointing a thumb to the door. Happening unexpectedly, his heartbeat picked up the pace like it was jogging, but then increasing to a run.

Jim nodded, returning the smile with one of his own. Never before did Leonard think Jim looked charming with his smile... Well, he did it countless times, but never like this before.... Or was it? "You're welcome, Bones," he replies ever so softly. They stayed standing there, staring into each other's eyes, but it wasn't awkward. There was some sort of spark between them as they both shared a look of unspoken affection, like an invisible force bringing them close together always; like they belonged. Leonard just kept on looking into those baby blue eyes. Those baby blue eyes of his best friend from since the academy days, his captain, his confidant and companion.

That's when things clicked in Leonard's mind.

This man wasn't just Leonard's best friend and captain... he was also the one for Leonard; he was who he loved. And not just in terms of family. Sure the doctor found Jim as part of his family, but he, on a daily basis, found him attractive. He was cute, charming, handsome... But he never really considered his feelings for the blond before. Leonard suppressed any emotion of vulnerability--maybe on rough days as CMO, but personally? He always dismissed these feelings as feelings of friendship, of brotherhood. But the truth is... He was in love. Leonard H. McCoy is in love with James T. Kirk, and he never gave it a second thought. Because without another thought, Leonard was already slowly leaning in closer to Jim's face, giving the other time to see if he would react--a sign of hesitance, disgust, anything. But there was none. All that remained on the blond's face was the smile on his lips.

Leonard waited a minute too long, so Jim took the first move, and did not hesitate as he closed the gap between them. Neither were surprised as their lips met, fitting together like missing pieces of a puzzle. They were always meant to be like this together, forever and always. Jim's lips felt soft to the touch, gentle while Leonard's were rough and sultry. Time seemed to have gone back to normal when they both finally pulled away for air. Leonard raised his eyes to meet Jim's again, his eyes practically aglow as the stars of space were reflected in them. "You have beautiful eyes," he said breathlessly, causing the both of them to laugh.

"You do, too, Bones..." Jim whispered in reply once the laughter had died down a moment later. Opening the door after swiping his card in to notify that he was the occupant of the quarters, Leonard took Jim's hand in his and, while slightly stumbling, led him inside, the door swiftly sliding shut behind them.

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