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"So, I talked with the organization," Jocelyn said, walking into the living room, where Joanna sat at the couch drawing. The teen looked up to her with hopeful eyes. Jocelyn took a moment's pause before announcing, "You can go outside!"

Joanna's jaw practically dropped and she squealed excitedly. "You mean it?!" She jumped up, hugging the ginger tightly in a warm yet excited embrace. She couldn't believe it! Yet it was happening! So many years had she waited for this moment: to walk out those doors and discover the things that she had been hidden from for so long. It was too good to be true.

"Now why would I ever lie to you?" Jocelyn bubbly laughed, grinning ear to ear. "You and I are going to have the best girl's day today, so go get ready." She kissed Joanna on the top of her head and nudged her towards the stairs. And no more than a second later did she go running up to her room.

This was happening! So many thoughts and plans ran through the girl's head as she subconsciously picked out whatever outfit she had waiting for her. So many years of waiting. Years of endless boredom that she'd fear would be the rest of her days living on this hell of a planet (and, admittedly, that seemed like a VERY long time). What would she do? God, there were so many things she couldn't keep count—it'd probably take years before any of those things would be completed. But for now, she needed to focus on the little things that she could do; the little things that still seemed like big things to her.

There was that coffee shop just down the street. Joanna heard that they sold the greatest baked goods on the street. And oh, could she imagine the taste of coffee. What would it be like? In a lot of the stories she read (or more like articles), she had read that most had different opinions on the many different flavors and choices. Some were bitter, some sweet, some gag-worthy, etc. Could she afford to try out every flavor to figure out which she preferred?

Oh, but there were also those clothing shops she read and heard about from Jocelyn. "One day, we'll go out together and get some new clothes for you." She had said. And, to be honest, Joanna's wardrobe was beginning to become dull for her taste—imagine having the same seven outfits for the rest of your life. You starting to see what Joanna has to go through?

Joanna pursed her lips as she finished pulling on her shirt. Jocelyn stood ready at the front door with her purse strapped over her shoulder.

"After you, Curious Joanna." Joanna sighed fondly. After becoming her caretaker, Jocelyn would ask Joanna questions of what she wanted to do; questions of where she hoped to go once she was "old enough" to lead her own life. No caretakers, no rules. (Although, deep down Joanna knew that there would still be rules and limitations to what she could and couldn't do, even after being let go into the world.) Jocelyn and Joanna got closer that way.

For hours on end, she would go on, telling her of the many, upon many, journeys and adventures she'd have once let into the world. It was from then on that Jocelyn started calling her Curious Joanna, a little reference to the children's show that starred an animated chimp named Curious George.

The brunette rolled her eyes. She took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing." Everything seemed to be in slow motion as she reached for the knob, emerging into the blinding light. All at once, she was bombarded with new senses—new smells, new sights, new sounds!

Joanna took in deep breaths; taking in the feeling of the moment. The city was so full of life; it was music to her ears! The sound of birds chirping among the loud chatter of many passersby flooded her eardrums.

New smells wafted through the air and into her nose as she breathed deeply until her lungs couldn't fit any more air in them. What were these smells? Where were they coming from? Those were questions she'd get answers to in a matter of hours.

Other buildings stood in front and to both sides of her, but with large spaces in between to make room for the people to walk, and plants to grow. The grass was green as can be in the summertime (despite there also being patches of dead grass on some lawns, Joanna still loved it nonetheless). People of many species walked the streets, bustling about to get to places. Many vehicles either flew or hovered by, and Joanna couldn't help but think about how much humanity has evolved through the years she's been alive. It was all so amazing!

"Where do you want to go first?" Jocelyn asked as she sidled up next to Joanna. Amusement and curiosity were laced through her words, a soft smile on her complexion.

Joanna bit her lip, taking another glance at her surroundings. "Honestly, I don't know... Surprise me!" Both girls laughed and they took to holding hands before setting off on their way.

Two and a half hours have already passed. By this time they had gone to eleven different places: two bookstores; one coffee shop; three food places; the planetarium; the local park; and the rest were smaller places along the way as they took a tour of the city of Atlanta. Joanna was having the time of her LIFE. She couldn't even stop smiling at all the places and people they passed by. (Not to be weird or anything, but she was excited to see and meet other individuals than those from the organization.)

During all the free time she had, Joanna had spent time learning about other cultures; learning of the different traditions. Whether it be Andorians, Vulcans, Humans, whatever. She had her years of knowledge.

She and Jocelyn sat on a bench at Park Central, both with ice cream in their hands (cliche, just how Joanna liked it). Joanna had a stack of three different flavors: mint chocolate, strawberry, and rocky road. Jocelyn had plain vanilla, claiming it was her favorite. Joanna had tried other foods, like fish sticks and hamburgers and tacos. (It was then that she realized seafood wasn't her liking.)

Joanna sighed and smiled. "Thank you for today, Jocelyn. It means a lot to me."

"Aww, you're welcome!" Jocelyn reached over and wrapped an arm around the brunette's shoulders.

"Hey, you know what?" She then asked Joanna.


"What about if I let you explore some more while I go get some work done? Would you promise to come back home before sunset?"

Joanna looked at her, her eyes seeming almost as if they were going to pop out of her skull. "Are you serious?"

"Dead serious."

She let out an excited squeal and managed to hug Jocelyn tightly without letting any of their ice creams drop. "I PROMISE! Thank you thank you thank you!"

"Alright, but also watch out for strangers, okay?" She laughed.

"I know! Not like I'm ten years old. That was so 22nd century." Joanna grinned.

Jocelyn rolled her eyes. Her phone started to ring (it wasn't like any of those new devices they sold; it was a classic one: a flip phone that somehow still functioned perfectly). "Okay, I've got to go to work—one of my customers is calling." The woman stood and pulled the device out of her pocket with her free hand. She smiled at Joanna before taking the call and slowly walking away.

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