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"well that went terrible," soul said, brushing his fingers through his hair.

"what i want to know is why did you even offer her a spot in P6 keeho? especially since y/n knows what we did to kai, they could even be friends for all we know."

the guys were spread across the floor, discussing about what just happened. keeho was silent, refusing to answer intak's obvious question. if he were to not ask you to join P6, all of their secrets and doings would be released to the public, he had no way of knowing who you talked or socialized with.

"it's just too risky intak, who knows, y/n could've told half of her class if we didn't offer her to join. my job as the leader is to protect and lead this group, and that was the best decision to make." keeho said, staring eerily at him.

"and now i have to train her, there's a million things i would rather do. why can't she just train herself?"

"she has a name intak," jongseob argued, looking away from his laptop.

"wasn't talking to you, so shut it."

it was regular that intak got this angry, he has a hard time containing his anger. the only thing that could really calm him down is to release his steam, which meant punching something. however, lately, he's been getting better at keeping his cool, but he still had episodes every now and then. whenever he got angry, a member always had to step in, just in case he got physical or used his fists.

"intak, why do you hate her so much? she didn't do anything to you but you suddenly have a huge thing against her." jiung quoted, side-eyeing him.

"not just anyone can join P6, it just pisses me off how upset she's getting, she should be lucky that she even got the choice to join. why are you even defending her? you like y/n or something?"

"w-what are you talking about? i don't even know her that well." jiungs face began to burn up but the redness quickly disappeared after a minute or two.

"you're all whipped for someone you've just met, immature you guys are."

"okaay, that's enough. intak calm down, there's no reason to get upset. you'll still have to train her, whether you like it or not. keeho makes the rules, so you have to follow them. and quit assuming things, it's not good for the group." theo exclaimed.

"whatever." intak mumbled.

"you'll train y/n on monday's and friday's wherevers comfortable, supposedly those are the days she's off, am i correct jongseob?" keeho says, snapping his fingers.

"yes that's correct, it says it here on her job resume."

"you were able to get it that fast?" he said, surprised.

"i can do anything hyung," jongseob snickered, turning his attention back to the screen.

it was true, the computer was basically his child. he carried it around with him everywhere and it allowed him to search up information about other people. sounds creepy yes, but it's an excellent tool, jongseob wouldn't ever want to take another position.

"well that's about it, meeting adjourned i guess. but i just want to remind you, she's here to serve as a member for P6, not for you guys. i don't want to see any funny business happening between you and her, got it?" keeho spoke, standing up.

"can't promise anything." theo smirked.

"im serious." keeho scolded.

"so am i."

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