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the rain today wasn't helping at all with your mood. usually rain brings you happiness, but lately bad things have been occuring during this gloomy weather. it made you curious, maybe the droplets of water was taking a sneak peak on things that were going on in your life... it wasn't possible. it made you curious as to why every time something bad happened, it just had to rain.

you walked away from kai with a stern expression, he really pissed you off. as much as you wanted to go back and work things out with him, you held yourself back. you didn't want to give into him that easy. even though he said what he did was wrong, it still felt like he wasn't truly sorry. before you could think about anything else you heard your phone ring in your pocket, and you took it out wondering who was calling you this early.

it was mr han, your boss.

you haven't been at work in a long while, too much has been going on and you hadn't even thought to check up with your job? you cursed yourself for being so stupid, and hesitated to press answer on the call, you knew that mr han was going to be disappointed with you. you hated to see him upset, it scared you.

"h-hello?" you stuttered, trying to fix your composure as you walked.

"y/n?? finally you answered my call, where have you been?! it's been very busy at work and ive needed you on staff, what the hell have you been doing?" he yelled.

"i know im sorry mr han, so much as been going on with my mom and-"

"y/n, it's been multiple days, more than enough. ive been putting up with you and your moms issues for a while, but now it's gone too far. you haven't been showing up to work... im very very disappointed in you."

"im so sorry, i promise ill show up today."

"no, i don't think you need to come back. i have multiple kids here to help me with what i need. maybe your time is up with this café."

"mr han please... please hear me out i-"

"y/n ive heard enough. your fired. please dont return to work. i wish you the best."

he hung up.

you could feel your heart drop into your chest as you felt settle tears fall from your eyes, dropping to the wet concrete below you. mr han has been helping you make some extra pocket money to keep yourself afoot, and now he's fired you for missing work, you almost felt betrayed. you worked incredibly hard at the cafe, always being there when mr han needed you.

now you had no job.

as much as you wanted to turn back and go home, you couldn't. you missed too many days of school, hopefully they wouldn't kick you out either. you wiped your tears and continued on your way to kaisei.

before you stepped on the grass you noticed a familiar face, you could recognize her black curly hair from anywhere. she was surrounded by her group of "friends" and was snaked around brian's waist by the big oak tree. you could feel your chest burning with anger and you really wanted to have a word with your so called friend, who hasn't spoken to you in the longest time. you slowly walked by the group and gave her the side eye, violet immediately noticing your existence.

"y/n, hasn't it been a while?" she said sarcastically, wanting to annoy the hell out of you.

"what do you want violet." you respond.

"just wanted to talk with my friend... what's wrong with that?"

"you haven't contacted me in weeks-"

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