Ch.7 Exams

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Hello people that are here

TW: Slight swearing, panic attack, (don't worry i believe it's better this time), passing out

Posted: May 27, 2021

(Not proofread)


So here they were, 5 days later, sitting in an auditorium, listening to a loud booming voice that they were all too familiar with.

Izu and Horu were talking "quietly" amongst themselves since they already got lectured about what was happening in the exams (Dadzawa and Mic didn't tell them about the rescue points tho).

Hitoshi was asleep -obviously also used to Mics loud voice- so he didn't join in the conversation his siblings were having.

A different  loud voice suddenly interrupted their conversation but they didn't catch what the person was saying, only catching the scolding tone in his voice. But then the persons words seemed directed towards them- oh- he was pointing right at them.

"And you two! You're chattering is very disturbing to the others here!" A blue haired guy with glasses about a few rows in front of them says, "Also you! You should be listening not sleeping!" Hito opens one eye slightly, glares, then goes back to sleep. The bluenette  looks baffled for a moment but then quickly shakes it off.

Horu was not in the mood, she just wanted to talk with their twin, get the exam over, get chocolate milk then go home. Then drink strawberry milk. 

"Shut up blueberry, you're being rude for yelling at someone minding their own business and interrupting the poor hero before he got to whatever question you asked."

"Uhhh thank you examine 1117 for that! to answer your question.....!" yeah, not saying that.

Iida seemed embarrassed by Horu's statement before thanking Mic and apologizing for interrupting.


All 5 of us got split up into different arenas, how many arena's are there??

Poor Izuku got blue stick guy in the same arena as him, ha sucks for him.

I decided to go up to this black haired boy(?) and talk to 'em. 

"Hey there im Emica!" 


i know what you're thinking "That's not you're name, it's Hotaru" yeah, the reason i gave him a fake name is because i don't know who he is, he's a complete stranger and he could be some type of villain spy or even just some random person.

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