Ch. 3 Time Goes By

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TW: mentions of death

Short. In-between-ish chapter

(Posted: April 6, 2021)


Two twins were walking home in silence after a long day at school.

"We're gonna be 15 soon Hotaru, well in a few months." The boy finally broke the silence.

"I know Izuku, but you know that means she's 10, she'll be 12 soon..." The other twin now identified as Hotaru said.

"Well we pretty much have our whole plan on how to get everyone out, except we have to visit again to find a way to get the kids over that cliff." Izuku spoke again.

"Yeah, it's dangerous going through the forest multiple times but we know from our visit last year that the gate is blocked now and there's apparentaly a cliff under the bridge we crossed over." Horu laughed slightly at the memory of them realizing there was a cliff after not realizing when they escaped over the bridge.

"Uuuuughhh!! Why can't we just save them already!! We have pretty much everything!" Horu whined.

"Yeah, but you know how it went when we got out of there. Do you really want to repeat the same mistakes?" Izu responded calmly, already used to her complaining. She's said something similar about 97 times (including this time) and the exact thing about 32 times.

"What if- what if she's already been 'shipped out'? What if she's already dead and we're too late!?" Horu said suddenly, sounding frantic.

They both paused to think about that, scared about the possibility of their younger sister having been eaten by a demon. And it would be their fault.

"Let's stop thinking about that too much." Izu said shaking his head fast back and fourth, "she has high scored and our smarts, so she couldn't already be dead!" Izu continued trying to reassure his twin. There was a pause.

"I wonder if anybody's found out..."-Horu, "I mean, Gilda had a small, idea and possibly has her suspicions now, and we know Ray always knew, but anyone else? Did ray tell someone?" And the twins kept walking home, in silence once again.


Unknown to them, three determined kids were planning an escape, right at that moment.


"Achoo!! Hm? I wonder if someone was talking about me." I small green haired girl said quietly to herself.

(401 Words)

Annndd we are done! Have a great rest of your day/night! Take care of yourself!! <3

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