Shopping with fashion

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I jump awake with a loud gasp sweat pouring down my face soaking my shirt .not again.

I jump into the shower with a deep sigh the water washing away the haunting images right down the drain

'House keeping!' A voice yells causing me to jump smacking my already bruised head off the shower wall

'Damn it!' I curse

'Hurry your ass up I'm bored and everyone is busy' a familiar voice moans

I sigh wrapping a towel around my body and walking out seeing Kenneth peeking at my breakfast that the real house keeper brought in, thanks to Joyce and her gratitude which was involving free breakfast every morning

'What are you doing here?' I ask

'Is that what your wearing?!' Kenneth says in disgust

'What a towel? No I was just in the shower before you came in, Have you had your coffee yet? Or better yet your meds?'  I say crossing my arms

'Ha ha' he says sarcastically As I grab a dress jumpsuit and place it over my arms with my underwear

'How long are you going to be?' He says as I look at him then down at myself

'You still haven't told me what your doing here' I state crossing my arms

'Like I said everyone is busy I'm bored and you clearly need a new wardrobe' he says sneering at the clothes in my arm

'Have I ever mentioned how polite you are Kenneth'

'No you haven't but thank you I pride myself on manners' he grins 'now throw some clothes On and let's go shopping!' He squeals as I roll my eyes trudging to the bathroom


'Nice to see you in a car that you can actually sit down in' I comment as Kenneth takes a left

'Yeah we'll it's not mine it's Jacquelines' he replies as I cringe in disgust

'Is it clean?' I ask

'It'll be fine just don't touch anything and make sure to shower when we get back' he starts 'twice' he smiles

'Did you steal it?' I ask looking at him

'No of course not, it's not stealing when it's from a friend'

I shake my head and glance out of the window until we arrive

I look down at my foot and feel something lifting it inches from the ground

'What's the matter with you?' He asks stepping out of the car

'There's something on my shoe' I say leaning my hand against the car door

I  lift my foot up seeing the problem, I gag looking away

Kenneth walks over to me rolling his eyes 'stop being a drama queen it's just gum or something ' he says as I cover my mouth and nose

'No it's not Kenneth' I snap slightly 'it's a bloody condom'

'So' he replies

'And it's freaking used!' I yell as he pulls a face

'That's disgusting' he gags

'Exactly' I say annoyed as I take my shoe off my foot and throw it across the road

'Why'd you do that?'

'Because I don't feel like walking around with someone's children all over my shoe!' I snap

'Alright alright calm down I was only asking'

'No I won't calm down, you have dragged me out of bed and brought me in the middle of town in our friends spunkmobile and now I have no shoes whatsoever' I say grabbing the other shoe off throwing it it in the same direction

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