Madge-part one.

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I swing my towel over my shoulder and head down stairs my phone pinging, a message from Troy, I make my way towards the sunbeds

I look around seeing Tiger and Joey sitting down, i guess they're okay now then to be fair Joey seems like the forgiving type

'Hey there i didn't recognise you with your clothes on' Amber smirks walking past him 'hey Bella' she smiles at me i smile back and stand at the end of the boys sunbeds

'Oh god everyone knows it was me' Joey whines covering his face

'Hey boys'

'Oh hey Bella' Joey sighs placing the paper down

'Bella' Tiger says sitting up

'Tiger' i say shortly

'You okay joey?' i ask crossing my arms when i notice Tiger glancing at my chest failing at his subtly

'Yeah i'm alright it's just embarrassing you know? everyone saw me' he says

'I'm sure it will be old news soon this is benidorm after all there's always some idiot making a fool of themself' i say as Joey sighs 'sorry i didn't mean..'

'no it's fine' he says

'Again i'm really sorry Joey i didn't realise you'd go that far i really thought you'd find out' he says

'It's fine' he says then his eyes light up 'You know we always try and impress the girls here but maybe we should widen our horizons open our legs wider to the outside world'

'What?' i say looking at them

'yeah we should be going for the girls outside the resort that way if you make a fool of yourself you won't have to see them everyday' he says

'Yeah, so what are we doing let's go' Joey says excited as they both stand up

'Bye bella thank you for saving a small part of my dignity' he says then surprises me by kissing my cheek then running off

'sure thing' i shout after him

I notice Tyler lean towards me so i lean away 'Not a chance' i mutter as he sighs

'Yeah that's fair enough see you around' he says before following joey

I lay besides Troy my shirt by my feet shorts around my waist with my hands behind my head

'That was sweet of you last night, saving that lad from embarrassing himself' troy says as i nod

'Yeah he was a victim from a cruel prank and his a sweet lad just easily manipulated' i say

'That's horrible it was his bestfriend wasn't it?'

'yeah his names Tiger'

'sounds fiesty' Jackie smirks

'his cute' Troy says

'Yeah well looks can be deceiving' i say sighing

'Oh here he comes' Troy says


'Kenneth and be prepared he might be upset' he adds

'why what-?'

'I've been burgaled !' he shouts making me shout up

'What? are you alright?!' i ask as he fans himself

'Urg i feel violated' he wines

'You haven't been burgaled' troy says not lifting his eyes from his book 'I got rid of it all' he says

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