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I stand at the airport my suitcase in one hand my ticket and passport in my other along with nothing else but a small leaflet of a hotel in spain, i take a deep breath and look down at my ticket reading the words one way trip Uk to Spain

I close my eyes and sigh I need to do this, i want to do this

I walk over to the woman and hand her my ticket with a hesitant smile she returns it and reads the printing

'One way ticket to spain sounds like one extended holiday, you sure you don't want to come back' she asks holding the ticket in her hand

'I'm sure if what i've planned goes right i'm positive spain will become my new home'

'Oh i see you got a nice fella waiting for you there?' she asks as i almost laugh

'No nothing like that i'm going to look for my father' i answer shortly

'Oh i see well good look here you go' she smiles handing me my now checked ticket

'thank you' i murmur grabbing the handle of my suitcase as i start to head to the plane

'Hope you find him sweetheart!' she yells as i disappear around the corner

Your not the only one


I groan as i stir awake my eyes opening to a woman staring right at me with a scowl possibly from the vodka  glass laying on her lap alongside the wet patch

'i'm really sorry i didn't realise i was still holding it when i-' i start before she raises her hand mumbling under her breath before walking away

I ordered it thinking it would help calm my nerves but i must of fell asleep before i could even finish the rest off, i'm not a big drinking but without the vodka i wouldn't of been able to calm my nerves enough to be able to take a nap to get through the  flight

I walk towards the conveyor belt of all the suitcases walking past the small horde surrounding it somehow finding my suitcase managing to grab it and escape from the busy crowd

I drop my suitcase to the floor and look around to gather my bearings seeing the sign Alicante airport i smile relieved i got to the right airport and pull out my leaflet reading the list of hotels in benidorm, i look down the list looking for the one i circled a few days ago

I look over the words the Solono hotel all inclusive with a three star rating I take a deep breath as i tuck it into my pocket before grabbing my suitcase, off to the solona i go

I hand over twenty Euros to the cab driver giving him my thanks before taking my suitcase from his hand

'gracias senore ' i smile earning a smile back in return

I turn around facing a tall stained yellow building reading the words Solono in giant bold letter alongside the building i take a deep breath before following the path to where i hope would lead me to the reception

I walk into reception and see a young man typing away on what i can only guess is the computer

'Hey' i speak up grabbing his attention

'Hola senorita' he replies 'what is your name?' he asks

'Isobella Jones' i reply as he taps away at his laptop

'Have you reserved a room?' he asks as i shake my head 'that's not a problem how long do you wish to stay?'

'I'm not exactly sure yet' i say as he looks at me smiling

'That's alright let's start with a week and see where we go after that yeah?'

'okay' i reply

He types away at his computer before handing me over a wrist band a door key and a leaflet with information

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