Pretty boys

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I grab my drink of one of the barmen ignoring the man following my every move with his beady eyes and make my way over to the sunbeds

I notice that majority of them are full except for two spots i walk over and place my drink down and bend down to take off my sandals when i see a shadow fall over me, I drag my eyes up meeting two brown doe ones sitting above a friendly smile

'can i help you?' i smile

'Yes my friend over there thinks his really hot and wants your number' he says confidently while i look at him confused

'He sounds full of himself' i comment scoffing

'No sorry he wants your number because i'm hot' he attempts to correct as a smile falls on my face

'I think you should go back to your friend and ask what your lines were again' i say and what he did next surprised me

He shrugged while saying 'Okay' and walked off into the direction of one of the far sunbeds

I found my self amused i didn't expect him to actually do it i was only joking, I watch as he comes back with a drink in his hand

'My friend thinks your hot and wondered if you wanted a drink before passing him your number' he says pushing the drink towards me which resulted in it spilling all down me

I gasp at the coldness of it and wipe it with my hands while it soaks to my skin

'i'm so so sorry i didn't mean.. i just wanted to... he said to.... i don't know what..' he stammers

'It's fine' i say smiling wiping myself down my orange bikini top now clinging to my chest staining a red colour

why did it have to be red wine?!

'Joey you absolute div' i hear someone mutter 'Here use these instead it'll work better than your hand your just staining it more'

I take the wipes from his hands and wipe myself down looking at him confused

'Thank you' i mumble surprised at his advice the wipes soak up the red liquid instead of spreading it

'aim really sorry should i grab another drink?' Joey  asks

'No!' 'No' we and the other one say at the same time

'Why don't you just go and grab my top from the sunbeds' he says to him

I watch as Joey leans closer to his friend 'Why do you need your top it's like hot as Alaska right now'

'It's not for me Joey' he says out the side of his mouth 'it's for the girl who's bikini top you spilled red wine all over'

'Oh okay i'll go and grab our stuff then' he smiles before walking off

He sits down gesturing me to sit opposite him on my own bed

'I'm sorry about my friend he can be a bit strange sometimes but the intentions are there'

'it's alright honestly he seems kind of sweet' i shrug

'Yeah sweet he is, I feel bad about your beautiful bikini top It was kind of my fault We had a bet of who could get your number first' he explains as i smile softly shaking my head

'It's fine and don't worry about it your advice was really good i only have a small stain compared to what i could of had'

'Yeah of course my sisters big on fashion and when i was little i used to pour paint and drinks all over her clothes' he starts as i look at him confused 'On accident of course, She'd wear them the next week no stain in sight but you should wash that with a particular brand' he advices

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