Water fight!

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I feel the cold matellic material pressed against my forehead before i jump awake surrounded by my sweat a drop falling from my head which i wipe away with my hand feeling a pain where i wiped, I stand up slowly and make my way to the bathroom a small breeze brushing against my back

I bend down switching the shower on and lean against the sink looking at my reflection seeing a red mixed with a plum purple bruise forming on my head then surrounding the cut on my cheek the skin is red, I sigh turning on the cold tap splashing the water gently on my face before climbing into the shower washing away the sweat from last nights

I stopped having nightmares years ago, especially ones like these, but now thanks to daisy and her homosexual fettish im worried theyre starting to come back hopefully this was just a one off and tommorow ill dream about something else

I climb out of the shower and get myself ready brushing my hair letting it fall loosly over my shoulders and then putting on my blue bikini throwing my white cardigan over my shoulders before making my way out of the room and down to the pool


I put my cardigan over my one shoulder when the sun hits my skin and look around seeing the sunbeds fairly empty only a few filled two of them by Tiger and Joey so i make my way over praying they won't ask about my face

'So were like superman and spiderman hero's of the world, will we get medals and become famous' I hear Joey say

'Well thats not exactly how it works' Tiger responds as i stand infront of them

'Whats this?' I ask crossing my arms smiling grabbing their attention of course Tiger glances over my body while Joey looks up at me his smile fading when he sees my face

'Yo what happened to your face?' he asks drawing Tigers attention to it as they both look at me slightly confused and concerned

'It looks worser than it actually is'

'It looks like it hurts' Tiger says 'Get into a fight?'

'Something like that' I say seeing Joey look at me with a sympathetic smile and tiger with a furrowed brow 'Im alright honestly now whats this about you being super humans?' I ask changing the subject

'Well you know when we went up the mountain the other day' Toger starts as i nod 'well this propper moody geezer ended up in trouble so we saved his life'

'Yeah he would of died without us, all shrivlled up like an old grape' Joey adds as i laugh slightly

'Anyway' Tiger starts 'He was pretty grateful about us saving him considering we could of just walked away especially with how he was talking down to us earlier that day and decided to nominate us for this hero of the week thing they do here'

'I've got to say im surprised i thought you two would be the ones who would need rescuing but seems i got it wrong'

'Yeah you did' Tiger teases

'Superhero's me and Tiger' Joey smiles placing his arm around Tigers shoulder who pushes him off

'Well then superman did he tell you what happens next?' I ask

'Says here' Tiger reads 'That there's a ceremony held here at the Solana in a week and..' he says then gasps

'What?' I say confused

'What is it bro?' Joey says nudging him

'It will be recorded for the television!' he says excited

'Oh my god' Joey says 'Were gonna be famous' he yells as him and Tiger stand up jumping on each other

I reach for the leaflet and read the information 'Tiger its only a small channel here in spain and a global website of the celebrity guest' I say shocked

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