Chapter 17:

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"Your sister is awake now. She's getting changed, said there's a 'Simon' waiting outside?" She said, almost as if questioning the name.




"Simon! He's here?!" I ask, quickly standing up from the ground. As I ask this, I hear more footsteps at the end of the hall. I turn, seeing Clary and the blond, Jace, coming down the hall. Upon seeing my sister, I ran up to her, hugging her tightly. I was happy that she was alright. I didn't know what would happen if I lost her, after everything that happened today.

"There you are," Clary says. She allows me to wrap her in a hug, but not for long. She quickly pulled away from me before taking a step closer to Jace. "Did they tell you about this demon stuff?" She asks.

"No...Not really." I say, scratching my neck. How was it that just after waking up, Clary already knew more than I did? I sigh, knowing that's how it usually was. Clary knew everything while I remained in the shadows, only knowing what people told me.

"Oh my god, they got you too?" Clary asks, grabbing my arm to look at the symbol that was burned into my skin. I pull my arm away, pulling the jacket sleeve down to cover the marking.

"Jace, what does that one mean?" Clary asks, turning to face the blond boy.

"'Soundless'. It Silences your walking. No one can hear you coming." Jace tells her. "Cool, that'd come in handy if we ever need to sneak-," Clary says jokingly with a laugh but I cut her off.

"Clary now is not the time to make jokes," I tell her. "Let's go see Simon," I say, walking out of the dead-end hallway.

"You know, he was my friend first. And don't be such a downer." Clary tells me. I stop walking, allowing Clary and Jace to walk ahead of me. She was right, Clary knew Simon first.  Growing up, we had always been in the same classes together, but being the more outgoing twin, Clary went about making friends first. I only met Simon through Clary, which she always pointed out to me as we grew older.

I release a sigh before following Jace and Clary. I didn't know my way around and didn't want to get lost. I hear footsteps behind me, Alec and Isabelle must have been following along as well. As we come up to a big open room, I see computers and tech all around us. People walked about the room, going about their business. Alec and Isabelle separate from us, both walking over to a computer screen.

Jace continued to lead us through the room and down towards a set of large doors, which I assumed to be the exit. However, he stops walking as he pulls out a glowing sword, spinning it in his hands. "What are you doing?" I ask him, looking warily at the sword.

"I saw something behind your friend." He tells us.

"You're not gonna kill Simon, are you?" Clary asks playfully. I can't help but feel annoyed now. I could tell by her voice that she was flirting with Jace. But that quickly left my mind as I thought about Jace killing Simon. "What?! Kill him?!" I exclaim. He wouldn't kill Simon, would he?

Both Clary and Jace stop walking, turning to look at me. "Protect the humans, kill the demons. You'll get it eventually." Jace says, winking at Clary before continuing down the hall until we come to the front door.

"Yeah, Zoey. Have a little faith. And a little fun while we're at it." Clary says, pushing me along to follow Jace.

"We barely know him. How do expect me to trust him? And what fun. You could have died tonight and you're talking about having fun?" I whisper to my sister, but she just rolls her eyes, ignoring me as if I hadn't even spoken. Clary and I follow Jace as he opens the door and we all exit the building. Upon seeing Simon, I run up to him, wrapping my arms tightly around him.

"Zoey, are you alright?" He asks me in concern. That's what I liked about Simon, he always cared. Even while Clary held it over me that she knew Simon first, Simon still cared for me like a sister. But his feelings for Clary still overruled him caring for me, just like right now. As soon as Simon spots Clary, he releases me from his arms and rushes over to Clary. Clary, who had been speaking to Jace, looks at Simon with a smile before wrapping him in a hug.

"What do you have on, Clary?" Simon asks as he shakes off his jacket, making Clary wear it.

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