Chapter 15:

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****"That means your mother was a Shadowhunter, meaning you are one as well," Isabelle tells me.******




"I don't even know what a Shadowhunter is," I say. Until today, the word Shadowhunter didn't even exist in my mind. And now I'm finding out my mother was one of these people. So much was happening.

"To sum it up, we protect humans from evil." The blond boy mutters as he walks around the room.

"Zoey, come here for a second," Isabelle tells me, offering me a hand. I walk towards her, gently taking her hand. She looks at me closely, as if trying to figure something out.

"Most Shadowhunters are trained from a young age, so we can see everything that normal humans can't. Have you seen anything strange lately, things that you normally wouldn't?" Isabelle asks me, watching my face for any reactions.

I think back to the horned guy from the cafe, then to the rest of the night's events. Looking at my face, Isabelle senses that she knows the answer. "When did you start seeing them?" She asks me.

"Not until this morning. Our mother said something about me 'awakening', but I'm not sure what she meant." I admit. Isabelle smiles softly at me, before turning to the blond. 

"Give me a hand for a moment, Jace." She says to the blond. 

Was that the blond's name? Jace? The blond boy, Jace, nods his head, walking over to Isabelle and me. Isabelle gives me an apologetic look, making me confused.

"Hold her." She then says, as the blond suddenly grabs both of my arms, holding me in place.

"What are you doing?!" I ask, panicking as I try to escape from Jace's iron-like hold on me. Isabelle grabs my arm, rolling up one of the jacket sleeves, revealing my bare arm to her.

"Let go of me!" I yell, trying to pull out of Jaces hold. Still no movement. I wasn't going anywhere.

"Don't worry. You'll thank me when I'm done." Isabelle tells me as she grabs my stele from my clenched fist, the crystal tip glowing as she brings it close to my arm.

"Is this really necessary, Isabelle?" The dark-haired boy asks, a somewhat annoyed look on his face. Although looking annoyed, he did nothing to stop the situation. Leaving me to endure whatever Isabelle and Jace had in store for me.

"You can't just go around putting runes on mundanes, you know." He continued to say.

"You heard her, if her mother had runes, then that means she has Shadowhunter blood. She's not mundane. Plus her sister seems fine." Jace says, keeping his hold on me.

"Now, if you'll all let me focus," Isabelle says, as she brings the stele down onto my skin.

At first, the sensation felt warm, almost ticklish as she began to draw a symbol on my arm. But that soon turned into pain as my arm began to burn. Releasing a cry of pain, I couldn't focus any longer on my surroundings. I could only focus on the feeling of my skin burning as if it were on fire.

"Please, stop!" I beg tears prickling at the corners of my eyes. I clenched my eyes shut tightly, trying to fight back the pain that I was feeling. But it was no use as a pained whimper escaped my mouth.  If it wasn't for Jace holding me still, I'd probably have fallen to the floor by now. I had never felt anything like this. The burning of my flesh. 

As the drawing comes near an end, the pain begins to dull, and my arm becomes numb from the pain. When Isabelle finishes, she reaches around me, slipping the stele back into my pocket. She takes a few steps back, before nodding her head to Jace. Signaling him to let go of me.

Once I feel my arms get freed, I quickly turn around, now standing face to face with Jace. I don't even give him time to question my actions before smacking him in the face and quickly rushing from the room.

Shadowhunters:      AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now