Chapter 12:

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Once inside, the door slams shut behind us. I hear multiple sets of footsteps as people run over to us. Looking at the people, I saw that they were the boy and girl from the club. The two brunettes who had been with the blond boy.

"Where've you been? What's going on?" The girl asks, taking in our appearances. As it was still raining, the blond, Clary, and I were soaking wet. Water dripped off of us the further we walked into the building.

"A Ravenor demon attacked them in their home." The blond says as he carries my sister down a hallway. I follow along, trying my best to keep up with him as we turn into a room. Once inside, the blond places Clary down on a bed.

The two brunettes walked in after us, looks of confusion on their faces as they looked between me and my unconscious sister. "Why would a Ravener demon attack mundanes." The dark-haired boy asks.

"Is she going to be okay?!" I ask, crying as I worry about my sister.

The blond, ignoring both questions, reaches into his coat pocket, pulling out an object. I stared at the object, seeing that it looked just like the steles that my mother had given to me and Clary. The stele lit up in his hands, the crystal tip glowing as he then used it to draw a symbol onto Clary's neck. I watched in confusion, not understanding how the stele was drawing on her skin. Although, it looked more like it was burning her skin.

"What is that? " I asked, after the blond pulled away from my sister, having finished drawing whatever symbol was now on my sister's shoulder. It didn't look like anything I'd ever seen before. But it also held a resemblance to the symbols etched into the side of the stele, as if the symbols were related in some form.

"It's a rune." The blond says simply, before quickly walking out of the room. I move over, sitting on the edge of the bed by Clary's side. I watch her for a few moments before the blond boy walks back into the room. He throws something over onto the bed. The item landed next to me with a soft thud. I picked it up, seeing that it was a shirt.

"She has demon venom on her clothes. Burn them and put that on her." The blond tells me before once again turning and walking out. The dark-haired boy leaves as well, following after him.

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