Chapter 6:

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I sigh, holding my phone up as I try once more to get a signal. With my phone held high, I walk around the room, only stopping as I bump into someone. My phone falls to the floor with an unsatisfying crack. From the sound, I knew it was broken.

"I'm sorry," I mutter to whomever I walked into. Bending down, I pick up my now broken phone. The screen was indeed cracked, and it wouldn't turn on. "Crap, they're gonna kill me," I mutter, thinking about how pissed mom and dad will be when they find out that I broke yet another phone.

I look back up at the person, seeing it to be a young man with black hair, just like that of the dancing girl. He also had tattoos that were similar to the blond boy's—the people from outside the club.

"Sorry to bother you, but can I borrow your phone? Mine won't turn on and I need to call my ride." I ask him, hoping to call Simon to come to find me. The boy looked down at me with a confused expression, almost as if he couldn't believe I had asked him that. Was asking to borrow his phone so strange?

"You can see me?" He asked.

"What? Of course, I can see you." I answer now feeling equally confused as he continues to stare at me.

"Watch out!" I hear someone yell. The boy and I both turn, seeing a streak of orange run across the room. It was Clary.

I watch as pushes a girl in a pink dress away from the blond tattooed boy, who is now holding a glowing sword. The girl Clary pushed, then turned around, only her face had now opened up, revealing many rows of teeth. The blond guy pushed Clary back, making her fall to the ground, landing just a few feet in front of me.

"Clary?!" I say, rushing to help her up from the ground. "Oh thank god. We have to leave, now!" She says as I help her stand from the ground. 

We both look back to the blond guy, seeing him stab the woman, who vanishes into a pile of ashes. Coldness runs through my body as I freeze, watching everything unfold. The boy had just stabbed someone, surely killing them. But where did the body go? And what had happened to the girl's face? She looked like a monster, like something you would see on TV.

"Clary, what's going on?" I ask as panic begins to set in as the room suddenly seems to break out into a fight. The blue-eyed men all turned against the black-haired boy and girl and the blond guy. The black hair girl pulled out what looked like a whip, attacking one of the blue-eyed men before turning around to fight off two men behind her.

The blond then runs up to Clary and me. He stared at Clary, looking her over. "Are you hurt?" He asks, just as another man runs up, attacking him. His glowing sword flies across the room, landing on a couch, where the glowing stopped. Clary pulls me over to the couch, before picking the sword up, and it lights up once more.

"Clary, I don't think you should mess with that!" I quickly blurt out before I'm suddenly knocked down to the ground. A man goes to attack Clary, but he doesn't notice the glowing sword she holds, and he runs straight into it, impaling himself.

The man's body erupts into sparks and slowly disappears, just like the girls before. I can't help but release a panicked scream. I crawl backward on the floor, trying to get away from the fight. Once I reach the exit, I grab hold of the wall, using it to help me stand. I look around for Clary, spotting her still standing by the couch.

"Clary! Let's go!" I yell to her. She rushes over and we run out of the room together.

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