The Rehabilitation Starts

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(Yuki POV)

I just woke up and stumbled out of bed, when I see a note with a wallet next to it. "I'm going out since we're running out of food, so if I'm lucky I'll be back before you leave but keep in mind that I might not be able to walk you to school, and tell Ashido that my work wanted me to work a late shift. P.S. I'm leaving my wallet here so if I'm not back here before you leave, then take it, you might needed it."

'While something happen. I know he's going to be alright' I concluded well I made my way to the mini-fridge to grab some food 'Man, he was right, we barely have any food.' After a quick breakfast I place on my UA uniform and made it out of the door, and see Ashido leaving too "Hi, Ashido." I greeted with a wave.

"Hey, Handa! Where's Midoriya?" she asked with slight confusion.

"Oh, apparently his work wanted him to work a later shift for today." I answered which gave Ashido a look of 'OOOOHH'.

"Makes sense." she mutterers way gesturing for me to follow "Come on! We're going to be late." She spoke and started running while I follow.

After a short run out of the building I wanted to get some coffee from Anteiku "Hey, Ashido?" I speak up which got her attention.

"Yes, what's up?" she replied 

"I'm going to get some coffee, it's not far from here." I answer while walking to anteiku "The coffee at Anteiku is good, trust me." I say while grabbing her hand.

"Ok, as long as it's not to far." she replied while keeping up with me.

"Oh, it's not." I say while running towards Anteiku.

*Bing* The door bell rings when I open it while still dragging Ashido since she couldn't come up with me. "Welcome to Anteiku." greeted Touka Kirishima

"Hi, Touka." I say while walking to the bar table with Ashido walking behind me. 

"Oh, hey Handa, what would you and your friend like to order?" she ask

"I'll like to order a black cup of coffee with a hint milk please." I say to Touka, sitting on the stool with Ashido sitting beside me. "And Ashido, what would you like to order?"

"Umm, I'll just have what you had." she replied with Touka taking notes.

"Ok coming right up." she spoke whilst making the two coffee.

We were sitting in comforting silence when Mina spoke up "So, how does the waitress know you?"

"Oh, me and Midoriya come here every once and awhile. Actually, I use too come here before I meet Midoriya, and I'm sure it's the same for him too." I answered back, too which Ashido looked satisfied by.

"Here your two black coffee with a hint of milk." spoke Touka while handing out the two cups of coffee to us teenagers.

"Thank you Touka." I reply while taking the coffee and almost inhaling it in one try.

"Handa!" shouted touka as she watched me, basically inhale the coffee "Don't drink it so fast! You'll choke on it." she added

"MMM, your were right. This is so good!" awed Ashido

After drinking our coffees we said our goodbye and left to get to U.A in time. *Clank* our shoes echoed through out the hallway as we rush, well looking for class1-a. *Whoosh* We open the door and too our surprise we were the only one there beside Kirishima and Tenya Iida.

"Hey you two." greeted Kirishima while walking up to us along with Iida. "Too be honest, I thought you two would be late."

"I thought we were." I reply while looking at the clock on the wall.

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