Chapter Seven

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"Excuse me, miss?" a soft voice woke me from the best sleep I'd gotten in a long time. I opened my eyes and inhaled Colten's minty yet manly sent, "You need to get off, you may be hurting him."

"I'm sorry," I flush, climbing off Colt as quick as I can without hurting him further. For a minute, his arms refused to let me go, but then reluctantly they released me, "What time is it?"

"Close to ten," she sent a small glare my way.

"In the morning?" I asked meekly. Damn, looks like I'm not as tough as I thought I was.

"No at night," she rolled her eyes, "Maybe you should keep track of the time."

"Maybe you shouldn't be a--"

"Be a what?" She raised her chin.

"Nothing," I muttered, going to the door and pulling it open, "I'll be back."

"Okay?" She looked like she really couldn't care less, as she moved to check Colts vitals before she followed me out the door.

I walked slowly down the hallway, coming out at a waiting room. Graham sat in a chair beside Colt's dad, they both were deep in discussion. Graham stood when he saw me.

"I booked a hotel," he scratched his neck, looking uncomfortable, "Hope you don't mind."

"I dont," I glanced at Colt's dad, who stood up.

"Otherwise, you guys can stay at my place, it's not much, but I know Colt wouldn't mind having you guys there instead of a hotel," he offered, also looking slightly uncomfortable and I got the feeling that they'd been talking about me.

"What's your name again?" I asked sheepishly, feeling a blush creep up to color my cheeks. Graham smiles at me, seeing the sudden change in me. But this sudden change I know also scares him, it scares me too, knowing that Colt has the power to break me the way he did. It could've been so much worse though, I mean it was bad, but at least I'm not dead. Or in a coma.

"I'm Blake Greye," his smile is small, but it's still a smile, "You must be Ali?"

I nod slowly, "Yea, that's me."

He studies me for a moment, carefully, as if he can see every problem I'm dealing with and he's assessing them. Deciding what to call out first, "What did he do?"

I don't respond, I glance at my sneaker clad feet warily. Unsure of how to proceed. The last thing I need is Colten's dad givng me relationship advice or feeling sorry for me. Which he shouldn't because I'm still here, still fighting, only this time around I know where Colten is. I'm just unsure about where we'll go from here. I love him more then breathing, but who says he won't break me again?

Graham steps in and wraps an arm around my shoulders, "I gave you my cell, don't be afraid to call if you need anything, or if Colten needs anything, okay?"

"Alright, sleep well," he smiles again, his eyes searching mine. I look up at Graham, asking a silent question.

"Go see him, say goodnight," he nods, obviously hearing the unspoken words. His words are soft, though I know he doesn't want me to get involved with Colt again, knowing that he can completely and utterly break me.

I practically run back to the room, Colt is still peacefully asleep. For a moment I stand in the doorway and shift on my feet, studying him. He looks so young in his sleep, there's no worry to be found and he looks almost happy.

Before I can change my mind, I wrap my arms around his neck, though it's hard to do considering he's fast asleep and laying down, and rest my head lightly on his chest.

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