Chapter Four

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For once I'm putting the authors note here, in the beginning. The song above doesn't really have anything to do with the story, it's just one of my favorites and I wanted to share it with you guys. Its called "Break up in a Small Town" by Sam Hunt. Hope you like!
<3 love you all,
Morgiebug <3
When Chloe picked me up, I gave her a small grin. Unable to give her my full grin because no matter what happened, I knew I wouldn't be able to do that until Colt was back. Which was pathetic, to say the least.

"Hey," she was smiling a great big smile, which I was used to, but this smile lit up her eyes.

"Hiya," I buckled up, before reaching and adjusting her radio so it was on the country station.

She glanced at me, "My dad doesn't know...yet. You're gonna help me break it to him."

"I knew there was a reason behind inviting me over," I teased lightly, feeling a bit awkward. Only because she'd made a deal with my mother.

She laughed, "Sure, like that's the only reason."

"Chloe?" I asked, glancing at her.

"Yea?" She looked at me as she pulled onto the county road.

"Has Graham mentioned anything to you about Colt?" I wondered, keeping my eyes on her to gauge her reaction.

"No, why? Did he mention something to you?" She paused, "He does take a lot of phone calls though."

I took a deep breath, she didn't know, "No, nothing really, I was just wondering. That's all."

"He doesn't deserve you," Chloe whispered, "You're too good for him."

I sighed, "I love him, okay? I don't get a say in this whole love thing, or at least not much of a say. No matter what he does, I'll still love him."

"I know," she shook her head, "Listen, there's this guy I've been meaning to introduce you to. His names Ryan and he's my half cousin."

"Chloe," I sighed, yet again, "I don't want to date anyone besides Colt."

"Then don't, but at least just go on one date with him. He'll treat you right, I promise. He's super hot and a great guy. He's the guy you need in your life."

I looked away and out the window, "One date. That's all, but after that, it's over."

"Yes!" She fist pumped the air, "After we break the news to my father, well go on a double date. Or something."

I didn't respond, I didn't know how to. I didn't want to go out on a pretty much blind date. All I wanted was Colt, because that was who I loved.


"Yea, sure," my voice was distant.

"Okay," she bobbed her head, a huge smile on her face, "You'll just love him so much!"

"I highly doubt it," I muttered, "I'm awkward with new people."

"It won't always be like that," she patted my knee. I just kept looking away, unable to lift my spirits. It was going to be a long night. The only thing good about it was that Graham would be there, and so would Graham's phone. I was going to get ahold of Colt one way or another.

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