Chapter Six

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I stared at my phone, waiting for Graham to text me back. I desperately needed to know how Ali was doing. It was killing me not knowing. Some days were better then others, but Graham hadn't been responding and that made me die a little inside. What if something bad happened? Shut up, I told myself, he's probably ignoring you.

"Colten," my dad called from the kitchen, "Can you stop at the grocery store sometime today?"

"I guess," I walked out of my room, walking towards the kitchen, "Why?"

"Because we need food and I forgot to stop by the grocery store yesterday," he turned to face me and took in my rugged appearance, "You feeling okay, son?"

"Yea, fine," I snapped, grabbing the keys to his second car, "I'll see you later."

"Hey, wait!" he called, "Are you staying for your senior year? If you are I need to enroll you soon at the high school here."

I scratched the back of my neck, I doubted Id stay here that long. It'd been five months since I 'd last seen Ali and I was dying. This wasn't a good idea, "I dont really know, maybe? I think I should go home and visit Gram soon."

He nodded thoughtfully, "Okay, well whatever you decide is okay by me. It's been good having you around."

"Yea, it's been great," I mumbled, but then noticed the hurt look on his face, "That wasn't sarcastic, dad, I actually did have a good time spending some time with you."

He smiled, "I did, too, even though it wasn't enough time."

"It never is, is it?" I asked.

"No, never," he chuckled, "I'll see you tonight, want to watch the baseball game?"

"That sounds like a good idea," I nodded to him, sending him a smile. I think he had already guessed that I wasn't going to stay, I wasn't fully decided, but I knew that if I didn't go back sooner or later, there would be no way I could get Ali back. It was time to get my life together and stop running, "I'll see you later, anything you want imparticular?"

"No, you can choose, but some cereal and milk would be nice," he grins, I smiled and nodded my head before heading to the front door and going down the driveway a little ways to get into the car.

My phone rang, and I immediatly reached for it. It was Graham's number, I glanced up at the road, checking the spacing between me and the car in front before I open the text.

'I got Ali to go on a date,' is all it says, and I feel my heart clench violently. Before I know it, the person infront of me is stopping and I'm swerving to avoid colliding into them. I don't know what happens then, or even what I hit, because my world disappears as my head collides with the steering wheel.



I'm laying in my room, staring up at the ceiling when Graham bursts into my room. His eyes are wild, and full of guilt.

"We have to go, now. Pack a bag," he rushes to my dresser and starts tossing clothes onto the floor.

"Graham! What're you doing?!" I rush to get up, and grab a bag like he told me to do. A sinking feeling fills me, "Graham...what happened?"

He paused, looking like he was on the verge of tears, "I'm so sorry, Ali, please, just put the clothes in the bag and hurry. I'm worried we'll run out of time."

"W-what do you mean?" I ask, my lip quivering as I do as told. I grab three pairs of my jeans, a couple tee's, panties, and socks.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me to the bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush and my brush, tossing them both into the bag. He then pulled me out of my house, opening the passenger door for me and helping me in. Currently I'm feeling my fear build.

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