Chapter 30: Near the end

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Reich had finally got Soviet to an area in the middle of nowhere. The Russian man was tied up and gagged in the back seat knowing that this wasn't gonna end well for him at all. Reich was most likely gonna kill him or torture him.

The German parked his car on the side of the road then got out and looked around seeing that there was no people, no cars, and not even a single building in sight. He let out a soft sigh, "Perfect..." He looked into the car and saw Soviet there and smirked, "I wish I could've done this earlier, before I died but I never was able to... But now things are different."

He opened the door to the back seat then removed the gag from Soviet's mouth, "You could scream as loud as you want now. There's no one near us... No one's gonna save you from this."

Soviet took a deep breath then let out a heavy sigh, "H-How..? I thought you were dead..."

"Your son brought me back. The oldest one, China. He said that if I gave him a certain girl he'll let me have my revenge on you."

"Of course he'd want me gone I know too much about what he's doing..." He looked at his ex-husband, "Look, I know what I did to you was wrong... I shouldn't have took you and the kid with me, it was an accident-"

Reich slapped him, "Why do you think I cheated on you with Imperial?! He actually cared about me, he comforted me after YOU killed East!!! I actually loved Imperial and you killed him too... And now I'm going to kill you in the same way you killed my baby!"

Soviet's heart started racing, he knew exactly how that child died. He may have been drunk but he remembered every last detail of what happened that day, "R-Rei, please just hear me out-"

Reich walked away and went to the trunk of the car and opened it, he took out a gasoline tank then went back to Soviet and took out a box of matches from his pocket.

~With Canada~

China had left Canada alone after he broke his arm, nose, and fractured his jaw. The Canadian was shakily trying to remove that barbed wire from his ankles although his hands and arms were scratched up and very wounded because of the barbed wire he had on his wrists.

He managed to get the wire off of his ankles then started to try to get it off of his wrists, "Shit-!" He hissed in pain then looked at this wrists and saw that the wire was digging into his skin even more now. He carefully continued trying to remove it hoping that he wouldn't make his injury any worse.

~With America~

America was lost in the forest and had no idea were to go or what to do. He was getting tired and hungry, he hadn't eaten all day.

He sat down on a log then sighed, "If I can't get out of here then how would anyone know about what China's doing..?"

As he sat there thinking to himself he was unaware that China was quietly stalking him with a gun in hand.

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