Chapter 7: Mask

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China's wings fluttered excitedly as he saw America approaching the doorstep of his three story house through the security cameras. "Finally! I actually get to talk to him!" He watched as America rang the doorbell then Canada walked up to him.

China frowned, "Ugh, he brought his partner with him?! I was hoping he'd come alone..." He rolled his eyes then put his face mask on.

No he wasn't sick, he only put it on because he had sharp teeth like his father. Soviet may not have been his biological father but it was obvious that psychotic countries would be the ones with sharp teeth. All the better to eat meat with.

He walked out of the security room then went downstairs and to the front door. He opened it and was greeted by the two detectives. America was just about to pull out his badge and introduce himself but China cut him off, "Detective America from the CH Law Enforcement Agency. Nice to meet you."

"How did you-"

"I have a degree in law. I actually studied your work, though many may turn a blind eye to people like you I find you... Interesting." China eyed America up and down making the detective feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"O-Oh... I see... I'm here to ask you about two missing people by the names of Taiwan and The Philippines."

Canada noticed America was uncomfortable and put a hand on his partner's shoulder. China shot a glare at Canada, his feathers ruffled a bit. Canada looked at the Chinese man in a confused manner not understanding why he was glaring at him.

China huffed a little then looked at America, "Well, those two worked for me for a while until they suddenly stopped showing up to work one day..."

"May we come inside and talk about it some more?" America asked.

China nodded, "Of course, come inside."

The two partners went inside and China motioned for them to follow him upstairs so they did. He led them into an office. "Have a seat." China said.

They both sat down in two chairs in front of the desk and China sat down in the chair right across from them. He crossed his legs then rested his chin on his hand.

Canada looked at some of the papers on the desk, "You said you had a degree in law right?"


"All these papers show that your a scientist-"

"I have degrees in medicine, psychology, science, law, and stuff like that." China chuckled clearly proud of his accomplishments. America seemed impressed, "How old are you?"


"Damn, you must be very smart-" America said clearly amazed.

China smirked under his mask, "Yes I am. I major in science, but I do know a lot about many other things. Like Psychology for example, it's very simple to learn certain techniques to manipulate people into doing certain things. Did you know that if you repeat a lie to someone over and over again, the person will eventually believe the lie? No matter how obvious the lie is, a normal human mind will still fall for it..."

"Interesting..." Canada said, "But that's not why we're here."

"Ah yes of course, you're here for information about Taiwan and The Philippines. Honestly there's not much I can say, but all I know is that they suddenly went missing."

"At the same time?" America asked.

China shook his head, "Oh no, of course not. The Philippines disappeared first, then a few days later, Taiwan." America wrote that down in his notepad, "Exactly what did they do for you? Ya know, since they worked for you-"

"Taiwan was my butler and The Philippines was the babysitter and cook. Sometimes I have to leave for several days because of work and need someone to watch my little brothers."

Just then North Korea walked into the office, "China..?"

China really didn't want to deal with his little brother right now but decided not to make himself look bad in front of the detectives, "Yes North? Make it quick I'm kinda busy."

North Korea gulped, "I-I- accidentally went into the basement and-"

"We'll talk about this later. Get out." Those last two words China said sounded demanding and threatening causing the room to go silent. North Korea nodded then quickly ran out of the office leaving the two detectives confused about what just happened.

China looked at them, "I'm sorry about that... Is that all you wanted to know or do you have anymore questions?"

America looked at the mask China was wearing, "I don't want to seem rude or anything but why do you wear the mask?"

"I get sick very easily." China responded.

Canada found that hard to believe since China looked very healthy and fit, he didn't sound like the kind of person that would get sick easily. Plus, he's clearly a smart man, if he was so smart then why would he allow himself to get sick so often?

America nodded, "Ah ok. Well that's all, thank you for your time."

China smiled a bit and eyed America again, "Your welcome... Be sure to visit me anytime you'd like. I enjoy the company."

America and Canada stood up and left while China smirked under that mask clearly planning something.

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