Chapter 12: Burying a Body

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China basically just tied Taiwan to a metal bed then removed one of his kidneys and ate it because he felt hungry. Right now he's holding Taiwan's cut out tongue, "Yeah America would definitely like this one, first a heart then an eye, and now a kinda burnt tongue. I also have a piece of your ribcage I plan on giving him."

Taiwan basically couldn't do much at this point, he couldn't see, speak, or even move.

"Aw look at you!~ You're utterly useless." China teased him then grabbed his scalpel, "Don't worry you won't be feeling anything in a few moments. You'll be at peace, then I'll have to place you six feet under, but before I do that-"

China started to make an incision on Taiwan's head, "Let me rant a little about something... First thing's first, I managed to surgically remove Philips dna and put it into a dog. I gave that stupid dog to Russia and it has been showing signs of knowing that it used to be Philip. Interesting, right? I might do the same to you. But this time I want to use a bigger animal."

He opened up the incision then grabbed a bone saw when he saw the skull, "Wanna know something about my past? After my dad was arrested for murder my brothers and I went into foster care. All three of us kept running away until I turned 18 and was able to take care of them. I actually killed one of our foster parents. His name was Korea, we didn't get a chance to live with him because I killed him when I was 14. I never got caught."

"The thrill of murdering Korea was... Amazing... I never got over it, I just wanted to keep doing what I did that day. Cold blooded murder." China started sawing through Taiwan's skull with the small tool. He sawed a huge square shape into the skull then removed the square piece of bone from Taiwan's head, "I got into torture and selling body parts on the black market. When I was 17 I became an assassin. That was fun."

China put the piece of skull down on a table then chuckled, "Ok it's time to finish this off now. You were fun to play with, it was nice knowing ya." He turned off the machine that was keeping Taiwan alive then waited till he breathed his final breath.

After Taiwan was dead he removed his brain, "I'm gonna need this-" He put it in a large jar filled with some kind of liquid. Afterwards he untied Taiwan's body from the metal bed then dragged it towards the door. He peeked outside of the door and saw that no one was there so he quickly pulled the body out of the basement then outside through the back door.

China had a large garden in the back full of various types of flowers and plants but his eyes were set on a tree in the center of the garden. He pulled the body towards the tree then dropped it there.

He had dug a hole 10ft deep earlier knowing that this was gonna happen, it took him a while to do it but he didn't want to get caught so he had to dig it very deep. He picked up the body then tossed it in there.

China grabbed a shovel he had left there earlier then started to bury the body when suddenly Sunshine came and bit China's leg and didn't let go.

"Shit! I'm going to fucking kill you-"

Russia ran up to them and grabbed the dog by his collar, "Sunshine! Let go of hi...m.." His voice trailed off as he noticed the dead body in the deep hole.

China grabbed the dog's collar then started choking him with it causing Sunshine to let go of China. Russia was still shocked by the dead body he wasn't noticing the fact that China was trying to kill his dog right now.

Once Russia finally snapped out of it he looked at China, "Hey- Leave him alone!!"

China let go of the dog and it hid behind Russia whimpering.

Russia pointed at Taiwan's body, "What the FUCK, is that?!"

China rolled his eyes, "What? How did you think I was doing my experiments?! Help me bury him and I'll consider not killing you for witnessing this!"

Russia looked at China with a frightened look in his eyes, "Y-You're just like P-Papa..." The older country scoffed, "No I'm not, I'm better! I never got caught! Now help me burry the body."

"No! I'm not gonna fucking help you! That's a crime!!"

"If I get arrested I'll most likely be put under the death sentence. Do you want that Russia? Without me what's gonna happen to you and North? Foster care?"

Russia sighed, "I don't wanna go back into a foster home..."

"I know. You and North will be separated, and out into different homes. You don't want that and neither do I. So are you gonna help me or not?"

The younger of the two slowly nodded and the older smiled a bit, "Thank you Russia. There's another shovel in the tool shed go get it." Russia immediately went to go get the other shovel while China continued to bury the body. When he returned to China he started helping him bury it.

After the hole was filled and they had a third of the hole left to fill up, China stopped Russia from filling the hole up with dirt anymore, "Wait a moment." He said then went into the tool shed.

When China came back he was holding a dead cat and dropped it into the hole, "Alright, continue."

Russia was confused but did as he was told and continued filling the hole with dirt until it was completely full.

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