Chapter 27: pLoT tWiSt-

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So, were getting near to the end of the book in a few chapters-

America kept trying his hardest to get out of the rope that was tying him up by chewing on it. Since he now was partially wolf, his teeth were sharp so after a while he finally managed to chew through the rope and get free. "Finally!!" The first thing he did after finally getting free was go to Canada and tried to get the barbed wire off of him.


"Sorry!" America immediately apologized then tried again, "Maybe if we had wire cutters I could-"

"Where the hell are you gonna find wire cutters here?!" Canada asked then groaned in pain, "Just leave without me..."

"Hell no! I'm staying with you!!"

"If you leave now then you can tell someone and I still may have a chance of surviving this. You're stronger than I am right now, I'm loosing a lot of blood and I'm starting to feel tired, if I go with you I'll just slow you down and China would get to us again... Just go Ame, it'll be fine."

America sighed softly, "But I can't imagine continuing my detective work without you... Nada, please come with me, if China comes and decides to do one of his experiments on you then you'll most likely die! You're already weak now, you can't endure much more!"

Canada let out a frustrated sigh, "It's either me or the both of us! At least one of us has to survive and that someone has to be you!"

America paused for a moment then let out a heavy sigh, "I can't just leave you here Nada... You're my partner..."

Canada smiled a bit, "I know, and your my partner too... Which is why I care about you and want you to leave before something bad happens... Please Meri, just go. I'll be fine." America carefully hugged him trying to be careful with the barbed wire, "I promise that I'll get you outta here..."

Canada softly kisses the top of America's head, "Au revoir l'Amérique..." America looked at him, "Bye Nada..." He quickly ran off hoping that he wouldn't get caught by China.

||-With Greece-||

Greece had managed to escape from Turkey once he had parked the car at a gas station in real area because the car needed gas. So right now Turkey was getting in his car and was about to chase her. As she was running she noticed that there was another car close by so she ran to it hoping that the owner of the car was there and would help her.

When Turkey saw what she was doing he just gave up knowing that she was gonna get to the car before he could get to her.

The owner of the car stepped out of the car then walked towards Greece, "Ma'am are you alright?"

Greece ran to him, "T-The man in that car over there is trying to kidnap me!!"

The man looked at Turkey and saw that he was already driving off, presumably because he knew that trying to get her now was a bad idea because the man could easily just call the cops on him now.

"It's alright ma'am... Let's get you to a police station and you can let them know what happened." His voice sounded comforting and kind, she immediately started to trust him, "Thank you so much sir..."

He opened the passenger door and let her get into his car then closed the door. Afterwards the went to the drivers side and also got into the car. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Greece... What about you?"

The man turned on the car car then started driving, he adjusted the review mirror in a way that made him able to see Greece's face, "My name is...." His voice trailed off. He locked the doors and Greece immediately noticed then chuckled nervously, "Your name is--?"

"My name is Third Reich."

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