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Dear Journal,




Miku and Meiko (who's been insisting I call her grandma for some reason?) scared off the other bear, and the one that had climbed up the tree broke the branch I was on and I fell (yet it managed to stay up there...stupid bear and it's stupid claws.).

Well, I fell from a pretty high place...and with the others bears gone, the only fear I had was the fear of breaking my neck and dying instantly.

Well, with my fear not as paralyzing, my instinct kicked in, and...well, I may have accidentally tried to use my wings to fly instead of hitting the ground.

...Unfortunately, changing into my monster form takes more than a few seconds, and I can't exactly use my wings until I'm fully transformed.

...And nobody knows I'm a monster.

Well, Oliver does, but he is too so that doesn't really count. And, you know, being my brother and all...

So, uh, yeah, I didn't really transform in time, but I managed to stop myself from breaking my neck. Unfortunately I still hit my head and got a concussion, so I'm at the hospital resting up for a bit.

...I'm not really sure how much of my monster form Meiko (Grandma?) and Miku saw, but I changed back right after I hit my head. Maybe I can convince them they didn't really see anything?

...Well, considering I light up like a Christmas tree when I change, I probably can't play that off if they ask questions.

And before anyone (IF SOMEONE IS READING THIS WITHOUT MY CONSENT I WILL BE VERY UPSET) asks, I was practically paralyzed with fear during the bear incident, hence why I didn't just fly away in the first place.


I hate hospitals. I hope I get out of here soon. And I need to check on Oliver.


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