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Dear Journal,

Everyone in this house is so strange.

Meiko acts as everyone's mom yet all she really does is scream at everybody and drink. And have a midlife crisis every other week. Isn't she a bit old for those?

Kaito is nice, but he...sometimes doesn't seem all there in the head. I'm not saying he's...you know...or anything, just...maybe a bit of a ditz.

Piko seems nice. I like him. He's still a bit strange sometimes, though. He says odd things.

Ars is just as much of a doofus as he was when we were younger, if not more so. Although he seems to get bashful when I'm around. Odd. He's probably trying to not scare me off since it's been a while.

Mayu can be creepy, but she seems nice. But she's  a Yandere, so I should probably find out who she likes so I can steer clear of them.

Flower is interesting. She seems nice, but is also convinced she needs to cause me problems. I'd like to learn more about her. Maybe we could be friends.

Yukari is very nice. We're getting along quite well.

Rin seems nice, but a bit out of control. Same with Len. They like Oliver, but I should keep an eye on them to make sure they don't get him into trouble.

My only encounter with Fukase so far was me accidentally walking in on him vomiting because he ate too many taquitos. I gave him some medicine to dull any stomach pain he might have. He hasn't left his room since.

Neru scares me. She's a criminal, knows multiple types of combat, and has too many weapons for her own good. And takes pleasure in the pain of others, it seems. I'm probably going to hide from her--I learned my lesson with people like that years ago.

Speaking of which, apparently Gumiya's living here too? That's something to be concerned about. Although it's been a few years...I wonder if he's changed.

Although by the looks of his room, he probably has a large amount of "totally legal" money. Oh boy.

Apparently he and his boyfriend are on some couple's cruise, hence why I haven't seen them yet...I hope they have insurance. And that this "Mikuo" boy has his will in order.

There are some others, but they aren't around right now so I haven't met them. I hope they get the memo about the move.

So far so good...let's see how long it lasts.


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