Friend or foe

97 5 1

High school au


Virgil's POV

I made my way through the crowded halls of the school. I found my locker and put in the combination for the lock. It clicked and I swung the door open. I noticed a small folded paper fall out so I picked it up but I didn't recognize it. I didn't have blank paper. All of it was either lined or from a teacher. I unfolded it to find a short message. It read: Meet me on the roof after school -Rat man I recognized rat man as the nickname I gave Remus.

We were rivals, constantly trying to get on each others nerves. We insulted each other and tried our best to humiliate the other. As much as I hated to admit it, Remus was doing better than me. He seemed to never be annoyed, while I try all I can hide how much he bothers me. I decided meeting him on the roof wouldn't hurt. I knew we wouldn't go as far as hurting each other so I didn't expect him to push me off the roof or anything.

I stuffed the note in my pocket and grabbed the stuff I needed from my locker. Then I went to the last class I had for today. Math. I found the seat where I always sit in the back of the classroom. I pulled out my sketchbook and began to doodle while I waited for more of my classmates to come in.

I fell into my thoughts. I wondered why Remus would want to meet somewhere as secluded as the roof. It's pretty hard to humiliate someone with out an audience. Maybe he's trying to blackmail me? Neither of us have done it before, but there's a first time for everything.

"Hi." I was startled out of my thoughts when Roman sat in the seat next to me. "Did I scare you?"

"No, I was just surprised," I say.  He chuckled and the teacher started class. I could barely pay attention so I chose to stare out the window at the bright sunny weather. My thoughts returned to Remus' request. If he did have blackmail, how did he get it? What would he even have against me? The time seemed to crawl bye as I waited in suspense.

When the bell finally rang I left so fast, I barely had time to say goodbye to Roman. I went to my locker and shoved my math papers in and accidentally slammed the door shut. I went to the stairs that lead to the roof. I went up the steps two at a time. I didn't realized there was water on the stairs until my foot slid. I let out a yelp as I fell back and my head collided with a step behind me. Everything faded to black.

When I woke up I had a pounding headache. I opened my eyes but I immediately closed them again when the bright lights made my head ache more. I tried to open my eyes again and I blinked a few times to adjust to the brightness of the room. When I looked around I noticed every thing was white. The walls, the floor, the ceiling. the scratchy blanket that covered me. Am I in the hospital? What happened? I thought to myself.

I tried to sit up but I stopped when the throbbing in my head protested. I groaned and lay my head back down. I closed my eyes again and I let my arm drape over my face. I heard the door to my room open and close and I moved my arm to see who came into my room.

A lady walked in with a frantic and worried expression. She wasn't very tall and she had dark brown hair with streaks of gray in it. It was pulled into a ponytail. She was wearing some kind of uniform that you would get when you work at a grocery store. Her purse was over her shoulder. When she saw me looking at her, her face lit up.

"Virgil! Are you ok? The doctors told me you fell and hit your head. How are feeling?" She came and sat on the side of the bed. I sat up and gave her a blank look as I tried to place her.

"Who are you? And who is Virgil?" I asked. Maybe she confused me for someone else and she got the room number wrong. Her expression was confused and she stared at me for a moment. It made me uncomfortable.

"You don't remember?" She asked. I shook my head and immediately regretting it as my headache reminded me of it's presence. "I-I'll be right back with the doctor."

I could tell she was upset and I felt a little guilty for not remembering her. She left me alone again. It only took a few minutes to come back with a tall man. He had neatly combed black hair and dark eyes. He wore a doctor's uniform and he had a clipboard. His name tag read Dr. Brown.

"Your mother told me you don't remember anything," He said. She was my mother? "What can you remember?" He had his clipboard and pen ready and I felt like I was being interrogated. I tried to think of what I remembered last but my mind felt foggy. Nothing came to me for a moment until a fuzzy image of a boy came to mind. He looked like he was still in school. He had light brown hair with a strip of gray. His eyes where a muddy brown and he was smirking. He had black ripped jeans and green t-shirt.

"I remember some kid with brown hair," I finally say. I noticed Dr. Brown write something down and I got nervous. I began to fidget with the edge of the blanket.

"Are you sure that's it? Do you remember your name, or any personal information like your birthday? Maybe any family members?" He asked.

"No, just that kid," I say. He wrote something else on his paper.

"It seems when you hit your head you got amnesia. Amnesia is when you sustain damage to the part of your brain that is in charge of your memories. A cause of amnesia can be something like hitting your head, as you did, for example," He explained. I nodded softly and thought to myself.

"How exactly did I hit my head anyway?"

"You slipped on wet stairs at the school you attend," Dr. Brown explained.

My mom waited with me until I was let out later. I had a few tests to make sure there was nothing else wrong with my brain. Besides the amnesia, I was fine. I found out I had stitches on the back of my head where I fell. I was given pain killers for my head ache. Before we left Dr. Brown gave my mom a piece of paper. He said the person who drove me here after I fell wanted me to call him. He wanted to know if I was ok. The three of us decided it was best my mom call him considering I would have no idea who he is. Once we got to the car my mom unfolded the paper and put the number into her phone. She waited a bit before he answered.

"Hello? Are you Remus?" She read the name off the paper. "I'm Virgil's mom...Yes he is ok but I'm afraid he doesn't remember you... He has amnesia... There is a chance, but we aren't sure... Thank you for getting him to the hospital... Goodbye." She put her phone down.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"He wanted to know if you are ok and he sounded worried," She said. I was lost in thought the whole ride home. I wondered about this 'Remus' and how I knew him. I also thought of the random kid who was the only one in my memories. Once we got home my mom called the school. She told them about my amnesia and she said I would be staying home tomorrow.

Then she showed me to my room. I had a lot of purple and black to decorate the room. There were posters for a band called My Chemical Romance. My mom left me to rest but I felt wide awake. So I got some black headphones from my desk and listened to a playlist I assumed I made of MCR songs. The first song the played was called 'Teenagers'. I immediately understood why I decorated my room with merch from this band.

Happy late birthday Roman!!! Next week I will be posting part 2 for Friend or Foe. Have a good week Kiddos!

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