58 / Negotiations

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In equal measures, the mouths of Bren and Iain dropped open, though for very different reasons.

Bren immediately felt betrayed. How could Thomas give up something so personal so easily? When everyone was only meant to have a single ability, advertising her multiple ones was dangerous – especially in the presence of the man (Thomas' father or not) who created them in the first place.

From Iain's point of view, this was something that shouldn't be possible. The gene modifications he'd implemented when he orchestrated The Outbreak could only allow one power to manifest. Of course, that wasn't his intention at all, but his original plan had been supplanted by Nature's own intentions. As such, the news that someone could have more than one ability, let alone a variety, was of both concern and excitement. What if something was mutating? What if it was happening world wide? No, he'd have known. News like that would have carried. She was the only one, maybe the first, but definitely the only. So far.

He wasn't blind. He'd seen what his creation had done, which was why he had gone into hiding. It was why – or one of the reasons – he'd handed Thomas over. If his son could just have been normal and developed the powers he should have, things could have been different.

The boy's mother had her part to play in that too. He'd known for a number of years mother and son were cut from the same cloth. He loved them both, but they were a inconvenience he could have done without.

Thomas saw their reaction and was shocked at his own foolishness. He hadn't intended to blurt out that information, particularly to Womack – the man who had been his father once, but was now a stranger. Any loyalty he might have felt to the man, though it would have been hanging by a rapidly fraying thread, was gone. The thread not so much snapped as ripped apart. He was Bren's friend and he had just offered her throat to the beast. It was too late to backtrack so he had to divert.

"We need to fight the Spotters. You can't let them take me or Bren."

Bren had recovered from her surprise and realised Thomas was trying to stand up to his father. At ten years old, he'd used the only ammunition they had, her powers. She couldn't blame him. At only a few years older, she couldn't be sure she wouldn't have done the same.

"He doesn't deserve to die. He's still your son."

He's not my dad, though, thought Thomas. He kept it to himself, not wanting to aggravate things further.

"No," agreed Iain, giving the boy a burst of sentiment. It was short lived, however. "I thought he would be valuable, now he's here. Instead, I think you're more valuable!"

"Valuable? We're not jewellery or a car!"

"No," said Iain again. "You're much more. You're just what I've been looking for."

He stepped forward towards the children, not meaning to, but looking like an advancing tiger sizing up its prey. They stood their ground, though they were confused by his comment.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Bren asked.

She was ready to pounce at any moment, using whatever tactics needed to keep them safe. If that meant injuring, or worse, Womack, so be it.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you."

"I'd like to see you try," said Thomas.

He wouldn't be able to fight back, but he would, at least, try. His spirit was all he had. Still, he was pleased when Bren moved to stand partially in front of him.

"Look," said Iain holding out in hands. "I'm not going to hurt you. I wouldn't do that. I'm a scientist. A... a father. I just want to help people. You can do that too. You can be a part of it. I'm almost there. Help me finish my work Make it all worthwhile."

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