Torn apart

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(A/N: And now, a heartbreaking moment! Won't give away too many spoilers, so thats all I'm gonna say about it. With that all being said, enjoy this chapter! And don't forget to drop a vote or comment. (if you wanna, ofc 😉) )

(Raya's POV)

Even when Fang is far behind me that sinking feeling that something isn't right between Namaari and her mother is still lurking somewhere in my body. I somehow manage to hide it, by putting on a happy mask throughout the day. I don't think I'm fooling anyone, but if Ba knows I'm faking my emotions, he doesn't show it. But Sisu does, she can sniff any emotion out of me. 

"You okay Raya?" She asks me when we're sitting by the river, throwing stones. "You seem a little down..."

"Down? Me? What, no! I'm great, just a little mellow."

"Come on, this isn't like you. Whats really going on?"

"Okay. I'mworriedthatNamaariisn'treallyfine."


"I'm. Worried. That. Namaari. Isn't. Really. Fine."

"Ohhhhh. How?"

"I don't know. Gut feeling I guess."

"You gotta pay attention to those. Very accurate according to a book I read."

"Yeah." I pick up the flattest stone I can find and chuck it across the waters surface, shouting "Yessss!" when it skims.


(Namaari's POV.)

Yeah, I know I'm probably gonna get caught and land myself into even deeper trouble...

But I just have to see her, one last time. Returning after the marriage would be lethal. 

Stuffing pillows into my bed to look like a sleeping body (which won't buy me much time), I creep outside of my room, mount Serlot, and race off into the night.


(Raya's POV)

The distant city lights glow on the water. I stare out at them, picturing I was down there with Namaari, like any other couple.

Correction, any guy girl couple.

I'm sick of having to hide who I am from my own father, my friends

Even telling them in private could result in rumors spreading like wildfire. 

Argh, why can't we just be like any other lovers, free from the discrimination, all the stigma? This isn't fair. I wish we could be accepted, I wish-

Two strong arms, round my waist holding on to me. Namaari.

"Hey dep'la."

"I, I didn't hear you come in."

"Yeah, I can be pretty stealthy when I need to be."

A small smile lingers on her lips, but her eyes stare at the floor.

"What's the matter?"

"Look, Raya. Can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure, anything."

"You're.... not my first love."

My heart almost stops. "You... dated someone before me?"

"Some girl. Yes."

"What was her name?"



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