Haunted by the past

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(AN: Hey everyone, so I saw Raya and The Last Dragon a while back, and.. it was pretty good. But one thing that really got me thinking was, what happened to Raya's mother, and Namaari's father? So this fanfic is mainly based on that, with a little bit of good ol' RayaxNamaari moments. Updates will be totally random btw, as school is starting back up soon, and idk when I'll have time for writing. But, nonetheless, enjoy! Oh and just so you know, each chapter is going to be starting with an image, quote, or music video that fits the mood. Ok, enough with my rambling, its storytime!)

(Namaari's POV)

Some secrets just can't stay buried. 

I just wish I'd known that before I hid them from the world, that one day they would resurface and come back to taunt me. Stronger, and meaner than before.

And keeping them at bay would just make it even worse.


"Ack! Not another cobweb!"

Raya just laughed and helped brush it out of my hair. "Bet you wish we'd brought candles now dep'la."

"Yeah, its pitch black down here!"

"God I hope there's no rats!"

"Eurgh!" We burst out laughing, our voices echoing down the tunnels of stone. 

A pair of hands grabbed us both by the shoulders. "Hey guys!"


"Aw don't be silly. Its me, Sisu." We realised, that even in the darkness, we could see that the figure standing inbetween us was significantlly shorter. "So, whatcha guys doing down here in the dark?"

"The result of a Truth or Dare game with Boon and Pengu."

"Well then who dared you to come down here?"

"Pengu. Well he dared me, but Namaari voulinteered to come with me. Sisu, Sisu?!"

"I'm over here guys, and guess what, I found something!"

I walked over to her, put my hand out, and found wood, smooth, dark oak wood, with the cold tang of a brass door handle. "A door?"

"Yep. Do you think its locked?"

"Only one way to find out." Raya twisted the handle, and the door creaked open a little. 

"Lets go in!"

"No wait, Sisu!" But she was in before we could stop her. Raya and I looked at each other, sighed, and followed her in. 

A tiny trickle of light faintly illuminated the room, a vault like place, with hundreds of discarded items scattered around. Ancient dragon statues, wooden, stone, even a jade one with a paw missing, scrolls, some looked new, others were crumbling to dust, old family portraits of stren looking great aunts, uncles, grandparents, and long forgotten bottles of wine, most of them empty.

"Woah. Some of this stuff must date back centuries." 

Raya smirked at me. "Never knew your family had multiple dragon nerds in it." 

I pulled her hat down. "What can I say?" I joked. "I get it from my great grandfather Aldo."

"Oh very funny." But she was grinning. 

"Hey Namaari!" Sisu came staggering back, carrying a portait. "Its you!"

I took a closer look, and my heart almost stopped. A family stood in front of Fangs palace. A little girl with black hair shaved on one side, a man standing behind her, his hair shaven very closely to his head, and a young woman with silvery hair on the other side. She looked nervous, like the man would attack her at any minute, one of her eyes was half covered by her hair, cut like the girls, but on the other side of her head, but the beginnings of a bruise were slightly visible. 

The room spun. Nausea overtook my gut, screams, blows, cries of pain echoed in my ears. I thought I was going to fall over. That monster. That animal. The man who I called my father. 


I dropped the painting like it was burning my hands, dodged past Raya and Sisu, and ran out of the cellar.

(A/N: Wooh, 630+ words, I'm exhausted! Anyways, see you guys in chapter 2!)

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