Loveless father

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(A/N: Fun Fact: I was actually listening to the song above when I thought of the story idea. Oh and I would also like to issue a TW (trigger warning), as there is physical and verbal abuse in this chapter. But its hopefully not anything to violent. Anyhooo, with all that being said, enjoy. 😁)

(Third person POV, told by Namaari)

She was slumped against the door, tears filling her eyes, the beginnings of a bruise around one. All she could listen to was her mother and father fighting, shouting, aming blows at each other. Well, that last part was just her father, and he hit harder when she tried to fight back. At four years old she had no idea why he was such a jerk, and sometimes his anger would hurt her as well. 


I keep going, even though it hurts. I keep talking, even though I just want to stop and cry. The tears are coming down harder than rain. Raya holds me close, and doesn't let go.


She was older, less of a crybaby, a little smarter. (Well, how could you remain a crybaby if children teased you everytime you fell over?) The bruise was fading from around her eye, but almost every day, new ones appeared, staining like ink. Becoming harder to cover up with long clothing, or long hair. She'd just made it through the door when shouting pierced her ears. 

"Not again..."

"Let go of me!" 

"You aren't worth anything Virana! You useless dumb binturi!" 

"Get away from her, Father." That last word was said through gritted teeth. 

" 'Get away from her?!' You can't tell me what to do! I'm the father, you're the daughter!" 

"But I wish you weren't. Listen to yourself!" 

His face flushed a deep red. "How about you listen to me missy? I think it's time you were put in your place..."

He raised his fist. 

"NO!" Mother flew at him, shoving him away. "You will never touch her again!" 


"Get out, and never come back."

He scrambled to his feet. "You will regret this! And don't even think about begging for me to return when your senses have come back..."

And with that, he lurched out of the room.

When his footsteps had long since faded, my mother slumped to the floor, and hugged me close. "I'm so sorry Namaari."

But no amounts of apologies could erase what he'd done. 


(Present Day. Namaari's POV) 

"And that's why I ran away. Why I find it hard to talk about my family." I sniff, wiping more tears away. "I wish I could just forget him..."

She doesn't say a word, just holds me. 

"Oh God Raya, what the hells up with me? I don't normally cry like this."

"Well, some of us think we can't, or are just too tough for tears."

"That last ones most definitely me." 

"Hm, me too."

I'm still hurting deep down, and I don't think I'll be able to forgive my father, but when Raya presses her cool lips to mine, everything numbs. 


I wake before the sun rises and watch Raya breathe in and out. She looks so much more beautiful when she sleeps, a little smile gracing the corners of her mouth. I wish I could stay longer, but Fangs such a ride away I must leave early. 

See, this is the price I have to pay for loving Raya. 

Friends in the public eye, but lovers behind closed doors. 

It's not enough time. Never enough time. 

"Love you." I kiss her cheek, and climb out the window. And, when I'm not too far off from touching the ground, I somehow lose my grip  

"Woah!" I hit the ground with a thump, and curse at myself for making a sound. "Hey, serlot!" 

He emerges from behind a tree, and butts his head against my legs. "Lets go home buddy."

I mount him, and we're off. Normally I like to close my eyes, spread my arms out, listen to his paws racing against the ground, feel the wind at my back and his soft fur sometimes tickling my feet, but at the moment, I keep my eyes open, my guard up. You never know who could be lurking in the streets. 

'This is it, we're gonna make it!'

But as I draw closer to home, I notice the sun peeking out from behind a hill, emerging steadily.

"Oh, no." I urge him to go faster, but not fast enough. At any minute Mother will come to wake me for training, and find an empty bed. And believe me she won't be happy. 

We stop outside the palace doors, and I manage to slip in, without attracting any unwanted attention. 

"Phew." I wipe my brow and slump against the door, my heart racing.

"Namaari? What are you doing out here?" Oh no. It's Mother. 

"Oh, I went for a run." 

She looks at me, raises an eyebrow, then smiles at me. "Well, good girl. But please tell me next time, alright?"


When she's out of sight I rush into my room and collapse on my bed. 

"That was close. Too close Namaari, too close. You can't keep lying forever. I just hope she doesn't find us out....."

"Namaari, breakfast!"



"Alright, alright!"

(A/N: Damn, my hands are E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D! Oh, and I've decided that I'm going to update every 2-3 days, so I can give you guys a chance to actually READ the story instead of me just going like BAM! "Read this!" BOOM! "Read that", 24/7. Sooooo, yeah, see you guys in 3 days! (btw I'm going to be doing updates like this: two days, three days, two days, three days, and so on). I am open for requests, so if you have a chapter idea comment it and I'll see what it can do! Oh and.... as its May 4th here in NZ, may the 4th be with you! (if its still May 3rd where you are right now, than May the 4th be with you tommorow!) Ok, bye! For now.....)

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