Chapter 41: PTSD

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A/N: I'm so sorry babies! 😭 It's been a while, hasn't it? I really appreciate you guys and how patient you've been with me, and how cute your comments are too! ☺️ They made me smile in my time of need, and now that I'm feeling better I'll start posting again.

"Alright, I'm all set", you said with a sigh, zipping up your last suitcase. You pushed yourself from the floor, dusting your hands off before placing them on your hips. You looked over the room one last time before picking up your dufflebag from the bed and one of your suitcases from the floor. You then walked into the living room, exhaling slowly once you put your bags down.
    "All set", your mom asked from the couch. She was petting Sarge lazily, who's head was in her lap. He appeared to be halfway asleep, which made you chuckle.
    "Yeah, I just have to get my last bag out of the room and put my shoes on and then I'll be good to go", you replied.
    "I'm kind of sad that you're leaving though", your mom said with a light laugh.
    "Weren't you the one that wanted me gone", you called from your room as you dragged your final suitcase out into the hallway.
    "I mean yes, but now I don't want you to go", your mom replied with a pout. You chuckled, slipping your feet into your shoes by the door.
    "You can always come down to see me. I'm only a few hours away ya know."
    "Yeah...", your mom said with a sigh, "I know." There was a pause of silence throughout the living room before your mother spoke again. "Oh! Before I forget to tell you", she started, patting Sarge's back. The canine's eyes opened fully and he stood up, stretching before shaking his body. "I had some stuff sent down to your place for Sarge. He's a big dog, and when I got him, I was given some advice on how to take care of him. As far as living conditions and diet goes of course." You nodded, throwing your duffel bag over your shoulder. "I just wanted to let you know so you aren't surprised by the boxes outside of your place—or the changes to the physical building..."
    "What", you asked, raising an eyebrow as you paused in your action to grab one of your suitcases. Your mom let out a nervous giggle, patting your cheek quickly.
    "I—may have gotten a copy of your key made so that the workers could get into your place to arrange things for Sergeant's arrival."
    "You let random people into my house", you deadpanned, blinking at your mom.
    "They're completely trustworthy, I assure you! But if anything is missing, I have a list of those who were inside and they will be dealt with accordingly." You crossed your arms, tapping your foot slightly as you smirked at your mother.
    "What did they change in the building?"
    "I had them convert your old bedroom into something for him."
    "Jasper's room", you nearly screamed, your voice filled with worry.
    "Yes, but they didn't get rid of anything of importance in there, I promise", your mom said softly, rubbing your shoulders. You let out a sigh of relief, visibly relaxing.
    "So her belongings are still in the house?" Your mom nodded, pursing her lips.
    "I would never let them get rid of her stuff! I had them store her things in your room, but other stuff such as the bed and other furniture were disposed of."
    "What of my PC?"
    "Oh! That's a surprise", your mom said with a giggle, bouncing in front of you excitedly. You sighed, rolling your eyes as you chuckled.
    "Well...I'll be seeing you Mom", you said before kissing her cheek. She pulled you into a hug before petting Sarge one last time. She then walked across the living room to open the door for you as you dragged your suitcases behind you with Sarge in tow.
    "Remember to call me when you make it back", she called down the hallway as you stepped into the elevator.
    "Don't worry, I will", you called back before the doors closed.

*time skip brought to you by Starburst Jellybeans*

       You sighed, leaning back in your seat after shutting off the car. You closed your eyes for a moment, relishing as much as you could in the warmth of your car. You were finally home. You giggled quietly to yourself, turning your head towards Sarge. "Ready to see your new home, buddy", you asked excitedly, to which his tail began wagging. You rubbed his ears, stepping out of the car and yelping. I didn't expect the snow to be so deep. You shivered again, already beginning to feel your socks moisten from the snow in your shoes. Sarge looked concerned in the front passenger seat, his tail wagging slowly behind him. "Don't worry, I'm good. Just gotta get the door closed..." You slammed your car door shut, sighing as you trudged through the powdery snow. You finally got around the vehicle, letting Sarge out before popping the trunk to get your things. You couldn't help but look down the beach towards Steven's house, a twinge of pain stabbing at your heart. You really had left your friends without much of an explanation, and haven't even spoken to them since. You sighed, grabbing your belongings before laughing at your 'oh so serious' dog. He was walking strangely in the snow, stepping high and jumping around. "It's just fluffy water, boy, it won't hurt you", you said with a chuckle. Sarge looked at you curiously before looking back down at his feet before sticking his face into the snow. He rolled around for a while before looking back up at you, his tail wagging feverishly as he panted. Aww! You dropped your bags, pulling out your phone to take a picture of him to send to your mom. "Alright, alright...stop being so cute! We gotta go inside, it's freezing out here!" Sergeant sniffed, following you obediently up the porch steps. You pulled your keys from your pocket, pushing the door open. You stomped your feet on the mat you were standing on in attempt not to track any snow onto your carpet, and your dog copied your actions, making your heart swell. You tossed your bags to your right, gasping loudly when you saw the surprise your mother was talking about. You closed the front door with haste, kicking off your sneakers and pulling off your socks before jogging past the couch over to your bookcase. The mahogany shelving now covered most of the wall with your desk sitting snuggly underneath it. Your PC seemed to be in perfect condition, if not better, but you couldn't get over your bookcase. "They tore it apart and rebuilt it, making a perfect little space for my desk and with enough room to still get into the bathroom down here!" You ran your fingers over the wood, smiling softly. I am such a nerd.
    You giggled, turning around and clapping your hands. "Okay! Let's—" You cut yourself off upon seeing the mountain of boxes in your kitchen. You groaned, dragging yourself over to your puppy who was sniffing around the boxes. "I assume you're hungry...well. We should handle that first." You pulled open a drawer, fetching a knife to slice open the first box you put your hands on. "Okay, this box has food and treats", you said as you took the huge bags out of the box. "Oh! And there's two metal bowls in here. They're labeled too", you said with a chuckle, walking over towards the screen door to place Sarge's new bowls down where Storm's once were. You sighed, sitting on the floor as you thought about your beloved feline. I miss her... You could hear the sound of Sarge's paws approaching you before the house went silent again. He huffed, his breath rustling your hair before he rested his head on your shoulder, whimpering quietly. You smiled, reaching up to scratch his chin. "You really are nothing but a big softy. Even though you look really scary." Sarge huffed again in response, making you giggle. "Alright, let me put some food and water in your bowl, while I finish unpacking the rest of the boxes." Sergeant moved away from you so you could stand, taking a seat on the floor in your place. You went over to one of the bags of food you placed on the floor, tearing it open. There was already a measuring cup inside, and you filled it all the way before walking over to Sarge to pour it into his bowl. It filled it all the way up, as you expected, and you told him to stay while you got water from the fridge. You poured the entire bottle into his second bowl, labeled 'water', tossing the bottle into the trash. Sarge looked over at you expectantly, his thick tail beating against the tile in the kitchen. "You may eat now", you said with a chuckle, grabbing the knife from the kitchen island to open more boxes.
    Three more of the boxes consisted of food and treats which you were sure would last at least three months. Two of them had various toys for him to play with such as: a variety of balls, a few squeaky toys (which he seemed excited about), two thick, braided ropes (one with a suction cup at the end that sticks to surfaces, and another that can be tied or held), and five identical bones. One box had health related items such as: a toothbrush, clippers for his nails, flea creams and healing ointments; and stuff for grooming like brushes, combs, shampoo, conditioners, and towels with his name printed on them. Mom really went all out, didn't she, you thought with a chuckle as you sliced another box open. You pulled out blankets and stuffed animals, setting them to the side. At the bottom of the box was a huge dog bed that was rolled up and tucked into a bag. You cut the tape from the bag, unrolling the soft but sturdy bed and placing it on the floor. "Sarge, come here." He stood up from his resting place by the door, walking over to you slowly. "See if you can fit in here", you said, patting the middle of his bed. He climbed into it, curling in on himself. He had plenty of room left, and you smiled softly, pulling the last and smallest box towards you. You cut it open, pulling the cardboard flaps away from each other to look inside. You gently pulled out the first thing you saw, which was a gold chain leash with matching collar. On the end of it was a pendant that had his name printed in bold letters. You ran your thumb over your puppy's name, the coarseness of diamonds rubbing against your finger. You sighed, shaking your head with a small smile as you pulled the next leash from the box. It was a plain, leather leash that felt similar to a belt with a matching black collar with gold studs. The collar could be closed and opened like a belt, and had a tag on it with Sarge's name and your address on the back. You put the black collar to the side, planning to put that one on his as his 'daily collar'. "Alright, that's everything. Let's call Mom while we move your stuff upstairs, baby", you said, gathering things in your arms. You whistled for Sarge to follow you and he obeyed immediately, dragging his bed with him. You chuckled, making your way up the steps. You pushed Jasper's old room door open with your hip, sadness slightly washing over you at the sight of the bare space. You sighed, placing the toys and stuffed animals you had carried with you on the new, white shelving in the corner of the room. You arranged the toys according to what they were, starting with the stuffed animals on the bottom shelf. You then placed his squeaky toys above them, leaving you with drawers and more shelving to put Sarge's balls and bones and everything else your mother had gotten him. Almost forgot, you thought, pulling your phone from your back pocket to call your mother.
    "Mom, what in the hell", you said with a laugh, putting her on speaker and then stashing your phone back into your pocket. "Does Sergeant really need all of this stuff?"
    "Yes! He is a puppy, and they need plenty of things to occupy themselves!"
    "He's such a serious dog though", you said, looking over at the black dog. He was adjusting his bed to sit in the center of the room, stepping back to look it over once he was satisfied. "It's almost like he's human...kinda scary." Your mom laughed as you stood back up, stretching.
    "So, what do you think about the bookshelf?"
    "Oh, it's great! I love what they did. Not gonna lie, I was kind of expecting my place to be trashed, but they did a pretty good job. Especially with Sarge's room", you said as you trotted down the stairs, gathering more of your pet's things to take back up with you. Sarge followed behind you, only a step behind, doing his best to help even though he could only carry one or two at a time.
    "I'm glad you like it, sweetie! What about Sarge? He adjusting well?"
    "Oh, yeah, for sure", you said with a giggle. "I haven't seen him wag his tail this much since I've met him. Did you see the picture I sent you?"
    "No...wait, hold on", your mom said from the other end. The sound of her shuffling traveled through your speaker and you hummed quietly as you put the rest of your puppy's things away. Once you were done, you sat on the floor with him, watching as he stretched out on the floor, yawning. "Oh my gosh, he's so cute", your mom screeched. You laughed, pulling your phone from your pocket upon hearing it vibrate. You had gotten a text message from Lukas, causing you to smile softly. "I didn't think it would still be so much snow on the ground there. You'll be okay, right? I wouldn't want your power to go out and you be there alone to freeze..."
    "Nah, I'll be okay, Mom. I think the worst of the weather is over with."
    "Oh, okay. Well that's good. I'll talk to you later though, baby. Miguel is calling me", your mom said rather quickly, making you raise an eyebrow. You then gasped, looking at your phone screen.
    "Wait—!" Before you could voice your thought, your mom hung up the phone, leaving you pouting. You were about to toss the device to the side before remembering that Lukas texted you.

Jasper x Fem! Reader (NOT FINISHED, may continue at a later date)Where stories live. Discover now