H.O.H: The Missing Pieces 2:04:

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This one I think is super good too, but real quick I feel like I need to say this.

This story is one I'm trying to make as realistic as possible, but it is a story. I would just like to say that in real life, I truly don't believe Justin would do these things, AND I would never ever, want you guys to believe I do. It's a STORY! I just wanted to say that before I offended some people..

Because even though there are rumors about Justin doing pot, I personally don't believe he would do that, not after everything with Ms. Pattie.

However the drinking thing I know a lot of people were made about (in reality, not my story) but it was legal where Justin was, and it's legal in Onatario, pretty much the only country that has a legal age of 21 is America (I mean come on let's get real, everybody does it before then anyway...) And Justin is an adult, he can make his own choices, and he has also said he doesn't like being drunk, he likes to be in control of himself.

I just know that I am 100% a Belieber, and no matter what he does, no matter what happens with Jelena, I'm there for him, not his friends or the media, or Selena, but him.

And he's a smart guy, with a very big heart, I got his back.

Anyway enjoy this chapter, and don't be offended, it's just a story :)


Thursday Night (Next Day)

9:14 PM

I just watched Twist, sitting back as he pulled out his lighter.

It couldn't be that bad...right?

"What's it like?" I asked, looking at the clear glass in my hand.

"Depends on you," He shrugged. "Some people laugh a lot, some people get all paranoid, others get lazy, and then there are the ones who just crave sex 24/7."

"Oh." I mumbled, my eyes still locked on my hand.

I asked, it's my choice, and no one is around but him.

At this point, I'd just love to forget everything...

"Are you sure?" He asked me.

"Yeah," I nodded quickly, looking at the lighter. "Just do it quick before I change my mind."

"Kay, but you asked for it."

"I know."

I brought it up to my lips afterward, then coughed, my eyes watering suddenly.

"Whoa man," Twist put a hand on my shoulder. "I did that my first time too."

"It's not me first time."


"You act surprised." I mustered.

"I am."

I cleared my throat, bringing it back up as I looked out the window of his car on the street.

"How are you so calm?" Twist asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"Dude, it's you and me, in my car, with illegal- I just expected you to be freaking out. What I didn't except was for you to ask me if I had any."

"At this point, I don't even care what happens. No one is going to catch us. We parked in the dark and it's not like Scooter is here or something."

"I know, but what about Lauren?"

I looked up at that, licking the edge of my lips, then shrugged.

"Screw it. She's not answering my calls anyway. I'd rather just forget at this point. I feel like I'm in hell."

Head Over Heels:The Missing Pieces: Believe In Me: Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now