23. Neon lights

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Yeonjun's attitude had changed, and Soobin was absolutely living for it. Ever since their encounter in the staff bathroom, the younger noticed that he could startle his hyung or make him blush by doing as little as putting his hands on his shoulders from behind when he was talking to someone else, helping him fix his hair in between takes or even just winking at him when their eyes accidentally met during work hours. He could tell Yeonjun lost his train of thoughts every single time, usually frowning and shaking his head to go back to his senses, averting his gaze from Soobin's.

The younger saw himself constantly smirking at how cute he found these reactions, and for once it felt amazing to have the tables turned.

So this is how much fun he was having teasing me before, huh? Welcome to my world, Jun.

In reality, he was simply (and possibly overly) enjoying getting confirmation over and over again that Yeonjun liked him back, and so much so that he, the guy whose entire image revolved around giving off fuckboy vibes, lost his cool around Soobin.

On the other hand, they couldn't find the time nor space to be alone for several weeks. The members' schedule had become even tighter than usual, they were changing places very often and staying all together in the same hotel room for several days in a row, and every free minute that they could get needed to be used for sleeping.

Ironically enough, the only moments Soobin and Yeonjun had some freedom to be physical to each other were the ones where the cameras were rolling. Only when they could make it look like they were acting out for the sake of fan service could they get close to each other without anyone finding it weird.

Because they could share at least those moments, it wasn't nearly as frustrating as being close without understanding the other's feelings used to be, but they still got very excited when the group was told that they'd be given two rest days.

"Finally!!!!", Taehyun wheezed when they all sat at the table to have lunch. "I thought I was going to die... What are you guys gonna do?", he asked without looking at anyone in particular.

"I'll visit my parents," Huening Kai replied, absentmindedly sticking his fork into his food.

"Same," added immediately Yeonjun, who was sitting next to Taehyun.

Soobin was sitting directly in front of his hyung, and without moving an inch from his previous position he darted his eyes towards the other, only to find that Yeonjun was looking straight back at him, expression so serious he almost looked angry.

The message was clear: I'm not visiting my parents.

"Yeah, not a lot else to do anyway", Beomgyu shrugged.

Soobin hummed to agree, averting his eyes from Yeonjun before anyone else noticed them staring at each other. Under the table, he brought one foot forward until it bumped into his hyung's, and from the corner of his eye he saw Yeonjun's lips curl up slightly as he glanced down to look at the plate in front of him.

They planned it out through text messages which they deleted immediately after the other read them.

The evening before their first free day, Yeonjun told their driver that he'd take the public transportation to his parents', but all the members were reminded that they should minimize their exposure to the pandemic virus, so the driver insisted he'd drop all of them off at their destinations. Yeonjun and Soobin exchanged glances, and the younger spoke up in a carefree tone as they made their way to the company's vehicle:

"I'll stop by the shopping mall near my parents' to buy my mom a gift, if that's okay."

"Sure", the driver answered.

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