Chapter 1

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3/10/19- 4/18/19

Harry and Tracey were in the kitchen looking at the Daily Prophet to see if anything had been spotted about Voldemort.

"Seeing anything?" Harry asked.

"No, you?" Tracey asked.

"Nope." he said.

"What are you two doing?" Lily asked.

"Looking in the paper for any accidents happening." Tracey said.

Lily sighed. "Why don't you two get some air? We have a meeting at Sirius' later and me and your father are going to Dumbledore's office. Sirius said Dumbledore could use Grimauld Place as headquarters for the Order."

"OK mum." they said together.

"Be careful and don't forget your wand!" she said while they left.

"Don't worry mum, we have it in our pocket." Harry said.

'Worry wart. We never forget our wand. Only the invisibility cloak sometimes.' Tracey said.

'She needs to relax. We're going into our fifth year which means we can take care of ourselves. With you good at transfiguration and me Defense Against the Dark Arts we can do it.' Harry said.

'Yeah, we work hard during school. And will work harder the next three years because another war is going to start once the minister gets it through his thick head that he's back.' Tracey said.

'I hope he does.' Harry said.

They took out their wands from their pocket. She smiled and nodded.

So they left and Lilly and James headed to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore had told them as soon as Voldemort is proved back he wants them back in the Fidelius charm like last time.

It was a month until school started and Dumbledore had called James and Lily about something the other day.

"Hello Lily, James, please sit down. Lemon drop?" Dumbledore asked.

"No thanks Albus." Lilly said.

"So, what did you want to talk to us about?" James asked after they sat down.

"Harry and Tracey are going into their fifth year now. And I think Harry is old enough to admit how strong of a legilimence he truly is." Dumbledore said.

"What do you mean? You said he had it as strong as you." Lilly said.

"I lied to my first student and to you." he admitted ashamed.

"What?" James said.

"Everyone knows how strong of a legilimence Voldemort is right?"

They nodded.

"Harry has it as strong as him when he was done with his lessons." he said.

'Merlin that feels better. When I tell him the prophecy I will feel even more better.' he thought.

"W-what?" Lily said and covered her mouth.

"It's true. I know he was only eight and is only fifteen but you need to remember what I said that Halloween. He's very powerful. He was only five when it happened."

They sat there quietly for a while. Then James thought of something.

"Do you think maybe he's been hiding a lot of strength for his friends? I know Hermione was jealous that he started to get better grades in Defense Against the Dark Arts in third year."

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