The next step

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Our Halloween costumes would be great. Will and I had gone shopping for the party in two days, and even though I didn't like shopping, I definitely liked my boyfriend. He wore the bags over his shoulder while his free hand held onto the pole over his head, just like he used to hold the bedstead when I was...

Well, these were things I shouldn't think about in subways. But, William seemed to be on the same train of thought: he looked down at me with that slight grin. We stood as close as it seemed heterosexual, and I didn't directly look him in the eye, but I could see what he did through the window reflection.

"I wish I could kiss you right now", he whispered into my ear. "Patience", I muttered back. "Ten minutes."
"Way too long", he groaned. "I can't wait."
"I can't either", I admitted. "But there are other people in here."
Will sighed frustratedly. "It's unfair that you look so adorable right now", he complained.
"That's what you say", I murmured. "Just standing there like this."

His head moved a little closer, just enough so that I could feel his breath against my ear. He said, a little more silent: "Are we getting turned on here?"
"How do you get that idea?", I asked innocently.
"Wishful thinking?", he suggested.
"Nine minutes", I said.
"And then?"
"Then you find out if your wishes come true", I shrugged. Will grinned winningly, pressing a little, nearly invisible kiss on my hair. "I can't wait", he repeated.


Apparently, he was more patient than me.

After he locked the door, I awaited the passionate storm he usually attacked me with; but he was putting off his shoes and jackets relaxedly. A little unsure of myself, I followed his example, sitting down on his mattress afterwards. It was early afternoon; therefore Will had persuaded me to go into his room.

Celine had once commented it looked almost too gay to function; with bright fairy lights over the bed and a series of camp photos attached to the wall. The campers had had a silly afternoon back then; making photos with that instant-camera until it ran out of film. Kayla, Austin, Cecil, Leo, Percy, nearly everyone was on at least one photograph. The orange camp-half-blood sheets were equivalent to mine; just more colorful.

I liked it here. It was warm and welcoming, just like my boyfriend.

My boyfriend, who suddenly was right above me.

"My wishes didn't come true yet", he said, one hand softly cupping my cheek, the other right next to my hips. "Well, if you act disinterested, I won't make a move", I explained. Will smirked just a little; my poor heart froze for one sweet, dangerous second. "That's very polite", he acknowledged.

A smile spread on my lips as I softly adjusted my position, leaned back until I was propped up on my elbows. "Be less polite", I demanded, laying my head back theatrically.

Will chuckled, his lips softly tracing the curve of my neck, distributing warm, smooth kisses all over my sensitive skin. "Ch-cheating", I gasped, my body trembling a little as I shakily exhaled. Will slightly strengthened his kisses, just enough for me to fall back on the mattress.

Will's lips now met mine; I buried my hands in his soft, golden curls as I replied to his kisses avidly. He moaned a little as our tongues intertwined, his hands tugging at my hoodie demandingly. Instantly, I returned that gesture, pulling his pullover over his head and letting myself get undressed without any complaints.

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