Left in the dust

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Even after work, I still heard her screeching words in my ear. Ignorant asshole.

How much did I hate her? Even my hatred for Bryce Lawrence, who I had killed out of anger, seemed pathetic next to the swelling rage I felt in my chest anytime my thoughts wandered over to her.

I stepped out of the subway and looked at the big college house. What I would give to be at camp half blood now... or new Rome.

Maybe I should go back for a weekend, just to feel better again.

Or maybe I should, just like Celine said, clench my teeth together and get over it. She wasn't worth being mad about.

Someone rambled against my back while walking past me, and with a deep sigh, I headed back to my room. Just my homework had to be done, and then I could sleep a little.

My headaches drummed in my head as if they would cry for the sweet release of death. But: I had done everything I had to to for the next week, and I even wrote it in pure English letters.

Should I do my tasks for the following week too? Maybe... that would mean I'd have to do less in the future.

But now someone knocked at the door. ”Nico?“, Will asked, his voice silent and hesitating.

Of course I opened the door.

My boyfriend had done something with his hair. I didn't know what; it didn't look different at all, but somehow, his little golden blonde curls fell into his ice blue eyes in a surprisingly...

”I have food“, he said and lifted some McDonald's food bags up. ”Can I come in?“
”Yes, sure“, I said and stepped aside, letting him come into my room.

”Homework, huh?“, Will asked. ”You do know our learning group meets up in an hour?“
”Go away with this learning group“, I growled. ”I don't want to see her face anytime soon.“
Will pouted a little and put the bags on my bedside table. ”Understandable. Should I help you?“, he asked.

”No, I'm already done“, I quickly answered and shoved my folders and books aside. ”I can fully concentrate on your food bags.“
”Just don't steal my burger again“, Will meant and pulled said burger out of one bag. ”I didn't know what you would like“, he said. ”I just brought a happy meal.“
”You are the best“, I sighed and kissed his cheek, sitting down on the ground. He followed me, leaning against my shoulder as he started to eat.

”No, stop it!“, Will complained as my hands automatically reached out for his food.
”Sorry“, I mumbled and nibbled at some fries. My stomach closed out of protest, as if the apple slices and french fries would make it throw up again.

Such a drama queen. Angrily, I shoved more french fries into my mouth.

”Today showed me a lot“, Will suddenly said. ”Is that the part where you start a big monologue about some realization of yours?“, I asked.
”Don't speak with a full mouth“, he chided me. ”But I can cut the big speech short, if you want.“
”No“, I said. ”Just dump it all on me.“

While I stole some fries from his bag, he told me: ”You reminded me today that I don't have to fix everyone. And I realized that a lot of stress comes from Celine. Her humor isn't her fault, but we both feel uncomfortable when she's in one of her moods. That... That wouldn't be bad if she would realize her mistakes and try to look after us. But she doesn't. She hurt you, and then she plays the victim. I know our friendship will not work out if she keeps harassing you.“
He crumbled the empty bag to a little ball of plastic and paper. ”What I want to say is, is that I will not hesitate to leave her if she goes too far. You are always more important. Not that I would want to break that friendship now, after the first fight. But if she doesn't see the problems she causes, she will not stay my friend.“

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