I need help!

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Okay so I'm a little torn. This is not part of the book but it's about the book. So I need help with lexa and rocky's storyline. So this is for future references please comment your opinion.

1.) Lexa could die normally and Rocky can go in the bunker and become bloodreina with octavia


2.) Lexa could survive and Rocky gets injected with night blood and they both stay on the ground with Clarke.


3.) Lexa could survive and we go to space with (A special character I'm not saying the name of yet.) And the others. (Minus Clarke ofc) .

Please help me out, I don't know what to choose.

-as always love you all!

Oh and thanks for 2.23k views it means alot.

From A Child To A Warrior | Commander LexaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum