Chapter Two

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(Chapter Two: Plan in action)

As I was walking I couldn't help but feel like someone was following me. "You don't have to follow me heda" I said knowing it would be my bestfriend following me. 

"What If they try to hurt you Bouda?(Bouda=Rock)" She asks making herself seen, worry evident on her face.  

"Keyword 'try' Lexa, people don't call me Bouda for nothing." I say thinking of why people call me Bouda. I give her smile that says 'If they try something I will kill them'. We make it to where Jasper is and I start to treat his wounds. 

"I'm being serious Rocky we don't know what they are capable of." She said rethinking if she should let me continue or not. Only people I'm close to call me Rocky, everyone else knows me as Bouda leader if Lexa was gone or missing.  

"Lexa, if you want to make sure I'm safe hide in the trees. Hurry they're coming." I say as Jasper let out a loud groan. I continue to patch Jasper up when a group of five appear Clarke amongst them thankfully. As soon as they see me I take off to make it seem real. One of them was going to run after me but Clarke told him to stay and get down. That's when I notice the panther. One of the boys started shooting at it and missed, he ran out of bullets. This was my chance I put a arrow in my hand. The panther went to attack the guy with a guards jacket. I ran in front of him so when the panther jumped on me my arrow went through it's throat. I got up and tried to run again but this time slower so they can catch me. The same guy that I saved ran after me and tackled me. 

"You're not getting away that easy." He said while holding me down. I could easily get out of his hold, but I didn't. He picks me up so we both were standing. I looked in the trees and saw Lexa get uneasy I shake my head no when the others weren't watching. Clarke Inspected Jasper than walked over to me and bellamy.

"Why did you do this to him than tried to patch him up?" Clarke asks with my medicine in her hand. I look down at her watch to make it seem as if I just recognized who she was. I opened my eyes wide before I spoke.  

"Clarke?" I asked in disbelief or at least that's what they think. Everyone looked at me surprised that I spoke and that I knew Clarke's name. 

"How do you know her name?" Finn asked for Clarke. 

"My, My name is Rocky." I said looking over to Clarke. She looked straight at me when I said my name, I guess she remembers it. "Rocky griffin." I said looking over to wells my once bestfriend that looks so different. The others didn't know who I was they all thought I was lying that's when Clarke spoke up. 

"If you're her than show me it." She said everyone looked confused. "If you're my older sister you should know what I'm talking about." She said, I knew exactly what she was talking about. 

"Tell your friend to let me go so I can get it." I said motioning to the guy beside me. Clarke told him to let me go but he didn't he said I might try to kill them. "If I wanted you dead I would've let that panther eat you alive." When I say that he lets me go I put my hand in my pocket they all got scared and bellamy grabbed his gun. "Relax I'm just getting my watch." I said and pulled it out handing it to Clarke. "It broke a couple of years ago-" Clarke cut me off before I could finish by hugging me.  "Okay we can talk later but if you want to save your friend you should leave now." I said pushing her away.

"Come with us." She said as the others started to walk away. 

"I can't I have to let my commander know skaikru isn't a threat. Now go save your friend." I said. She ran to catch up with the others as Lexa jumped down from the trees. "See I told you I would be fine." She pulled me into a tight hug. I got butterflies in my stomach from the action. 

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