Chapter Three

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She pulled away before looking into my ocean blue eyes and kissing me again this time with more passion. This time I pulled away "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this." I Said before kissing her again. 

"Why haven't you?" She asked pulling away from the kiss. She sat on my bed and looked up at me. I sat down next to her and looked into her beautiful green eyes.  

"I don't know, I just thought you would always view me as a sister." I said honestly. "Wait how long have you had a crush on me?" I asked with a smile. 

"Since the day you escaped Azgeda. How long have you had a crush on me?" She questioned. 

"Since you held a knife to my throat" I said laughing 

"Which time I remember doing it more than once." She said smiling 

"From the very first time." I said with a big smile on my face. 

(One month Later) 

I was on my way to the dropship limping when it came to view. Before I could enter I already had a gun to my head. 

"Miller stand down." I heard bellamy's voice while I held my hands up. 

"What? Why, her people are the reason why we are suffering. If the grounder we got won't talk maybe she will."  

"I said stand down." Bellamy said pointing the guy I assume name is millers gun down. 

"Rocky, one of your people stabbed Finn with poison. He won't give us the anitdote can you please help." He asked desperation in his voice. I nodded my head yes while bellamy led me into the camp. "No one shoots if you shoot her I'll shoot you." Bellamy said as the sky people started pointing their guns at me. He led me into their ship. When I walked in a girl with brown hair was standing over finn fear in her eyes but not because of me, because she's scared to loose he loved one. Bellamy pointed up to the stairs. "He's in their." Bellamy said walking up me not far behind. 

"Brother?" I asked in our secret launge causing everyone in the room to look at me even my mentor and brother Lincoln. Some of the guards asked why he brought me here and clarke just stared at me. 

"Sister." Lincoln replied making everyone in the room look at him. Seeing him all beat up and in pain made my blood boil, but I had to keep my cool in order for this to work. 

"What happend they said you stabbed one of theirs with poison. " I asked looking up at the warrior standing infront of me. 

"Oktavia was hurt I tried to heal her I was going to let her go when they found me. Bellamy was going to kill me but Finn infront of me and I reacted fast." Everyone looked at Lincoln but all they could understand was the three names he said in his explation. 

"See I told you he didn't speak english." Octavia said to bellamy who just looked down. 

"Look commander knows I'm here she sent me as a spy okay tell me which one it is." I said looking into his eyes. 

"Tell them I'll only talk if they promise to let me go." He said staring right into bellamy's soul. If looks could kill he would be 10ft under the ground. 

"He says he'll only tell me if you promise to let him go." I said to the people in the room.

"Clarke he stopped breathing, I just got him to start again." The girl from downstairs yelled. 

"Clarke no-" Bellamy started

"We'll let him go." Clarke said without hesitating. 

"You heard what they said now which one is the anidote." I asked pointing to the vials on the ground. 

"The one third from your left." He said pointing to the right one. 

I picked it up and handed it to Clarke she wasted no time before leaveing to give it to Finn. I looked at bellamy who didn't budge. "Come on let him go." I said to bellamy who just stood there looking at me next thing I know my vision became black and I remembered falling down. 

I woke up to Clarke and Bellamy arguing about me. "What the hell guys." I said and they both looked at me funny. "You promised to let him go not tie me up." I said looking over to Lincoln who was sleep for the most part. 

"How do we know we can trust her." bellamy asked straing right at me. 

"We know we can trust her because she saved Jasper she just saved Finn and she even saved you." Clarke practically yelled. 

"You guys do no I'm right here right?" I asked in they looked at me. 

"I need some answers, and she is going to give to us." He said and picked up the belt he had at first. "Miller get her out of here.

"Bellamy, no" Clarke said but was silenced when she was pushed down the stairs. 

"So what's your name?" He asked. 

"You already know it." I replied 

That was the wrong answer he hit me. 

"Wheres your camp." 

"I don't know I just kept walking until I found you." 

He hit me again. 

"Whos in charge of the grounders?" He aske again. 

"Me and heda." I said 

"Whats your heda's name?" He asked. I would've gave it to him but she would be in danger if I did. Apparently I was thinking too long because bellamy hit me again. "What's your heda's name?" He asked 

"I don't know she kept it a secret." I Lied. He hit me again.

"Lies why wouldn't your commander want you to know her name?" He asked 

"Probably for this exact reason, No one ever seen her without war pain so when she doesn't have it on she can live a normal life." I lied again. He was going to hit me again but Clarke came up. 

"That's enough bellamy Jaha sent us on a mission to a old home depot let's go" Clarke said and bellamy left. "I'm sorry about Bellamy" Before she left I stopped her. 

"I'll still help if you let Lincoln go, and untie me" I said. I still need to be in their camp for my mission to work.
Clarke nodded and left.

"Bouda are you okay?" Lincoln asked as soon as everyone left the room.

"Yes Linc I'm fine. I'm going to try to get some sleep" I said know it would be hard while being chained up. Lincoln gave me a nod and closed his eyes trying to get some rest too.


Word count: 1.1k words.

A/n: Thank you guys so much for reading, I hope you like it. I'm sorry if this chapter and the ones after it isn't that good, My parents are getting married in the 31st so I have to get myself and my little sisters ready for that. Plus school is pretty hard.

As always love you all 😘 Thanks for reading. -Layla

Ps: I do not own any youtube videos in my stories.

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