Chapter four

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Chapter four: Old memories
(Italics mean memory bold trig)

I try to get some sleep but it was hard due to the chains around my wrist and ankles, Eventually my eyes closed and I drifted of to a not so peaceful dream/Memory.

I was just delivered another wack in the stomach from an Azgeda warrior. Spitting out blood, I was really getting tired of Azgeda. "I'm going to ask you this one more time. What is your commander hiding?!?!" They kept hurting me but I know I couldn't break.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I replied. So basically Lexa the commander Aka my best friend has a secret army incase Azgeda ever tries to attack. One of our disloyal warriors told them heda was hiding something before I killed him. Three hours later here I am being tortured for answers.

Hit after hit and I think I just had enough. There is only one warrior guarding me and since we are outside I see a horse that is waiting to be rode by someone. I take this as my chance, I yank one of my hands free which makes the guard come up to me. I wrap the chain around his neck and the hand that is still tied I pull hard cutting off his air way. When I knew he was out for the count I set my other hand free. Me being 16 Making it surprisingly easy. I ran up to the horse and mounted it quick. I rode off into the Icy mountain that surrounds Azgeda. After riding for 1 hour there is no more ice which means I'm getting closer to the borders. The men were still chasing me but to far away to see me. I knew I had to be smart. I got off my horse and hit her telling her to take off. Wincing at the pain I ran into a nearby cave. My plan worked they started to chase the horse. That is until that familiar horn signalling that acid fog was near blew. Out the corner of my eye I saw a kid not older than the age of 4 walk past. I couldn't Leave her out there so I ran as fast as I could to grab her before the acid fog came. I did, just in time I ran back to the cave and burnt my leg in the process.

Since our kids are warriors they were taught to speak at a young age and only those train for war were taught English. "Little one what are you doing out here you could get hurt! Where's your parents?" I asked looking at the young girl in front of me.

"They died at war" She said with the smallest voice ever. "Are you going to hurt me? She asked tears falling from her eyes.

"No of course not, What's your name and clan little one?" I asked walking towards the child.

"Isabelle kom trikru." She replied taking a step back from me.

"I like that name. My name is Rocky and I'm from trikru too." I said taking another step forward. "How would you like it if I watched after you for a while when we get back?" I asked and she gave me a wide smile before running into my arms hugging me.

We talked for hours waiting for the acid fog to pass and when it finally did we started walking towards trikru. I had totally forgot about Azgeda and about my wounds that is before I was knocked down to the ground. I looked up and saw two Azgeda warriors. "Belle go get heda" I said she nodded and ran off.

I got up and got into a fighting stance and started fighting. It was two against one and I was still injured so they used that to their advantage. I punched one in the face making him stumble back while the other kicked me in the leg that got burnt in the acid fog. I let out a scream as the one I punched stabbed me in my stomach with his spear. The next the I heard were horses, than blackness.

I woke up in the healers tent with Nyko our healer fixing my wounds. "Nyko" I said letting him know I'm awake.

"Stay still I have stitch up your wound." I nodded. If anyone other sixteen year old was to wake up in the middle of getting stitches we would put them sleep, but since I'm from the sky the medicine they use to put you to sleep don't work on me.

I ended up falling asleep from the pain. About three hours later I woke up to find Lexa sleeping in a chair next to me holding my hand. I don't why but butterflies started to form in my stomach from the fact she stayed with.
"Heda." I said causing her to wake up.

"Rocky you scared me." She said pulling me into a tight that I'm pretty sure crushed some of my bones

"Lexa I still need to breath" I said with a smile on my face. She pulled away and said a quick 'Sorry'. "How come you never talk to me in trig." I asked looking her in the eyes.

"Because if I speak in trig everyone will understand but if I speak in English only some can understand." She said. I nodded my head she had a really good point. "Someone wants to see you." She said opening the flap of the tent before Isabelle ran in.

"Hi to you too little." I said while she hugged me almost as hard as Lexa.
When we pulled apart I introduced her to Lexa. "Belle you know heda right?" I asked and she nodded her head yes. "Lexa this is Isabelle I saved her from the acid fog." I said. The two got to know each other. We were talking about before-

Before I got to finish My dream I jolted awake from the feeling of someone shaking me. I looked up and saw Lincoln gone and Clarke getting me down. I knew that after what happened with Bellamy torturing me my job would be a lot harder.

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter isn't that long I hope you like it ☺️

Love you all 💕 -Layla

Words: 1k

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