Dinner with the Water Hashira

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Giyuu trailed behind me, while I led him to a ramen shop. I stopped in front of it and hesitated to enter.

"Is this okay? I forgot to ask what you wanted," I said apologetically, looking at the ground in embarrassment. How could I forget to ask what he wanted, I didn't even bother considering if he had a preference or not. He could see the genuine regret painted on my face.

"This is fine, I don't have much of a preference," he calmly stated before holding the door open for me to walk through. My face was instantly back to a small smile and I nodded in thanks while I walked in with him following behind.

We sat down in the far back concealing our swords and ordered. My eyes wandered the small shack we were in. It was very comforting inside. There was only one other person in the building with us and he sat opposite from where we were, eating alone. He was handsome, I had to admit, and I couldn't help but look in his direction. My interest was pulled from me when an audible groan from my stomach surfaced. My face turned red out of embarrassment from the sound and disregarding the Hashira's presence.

"E-excuse me," I softly said, breaking our silence. The man sitting opposite of us got up and left. I twiddled my fingers that were folded in my lap and looked down, trying to think of something to say. I eventually cleared my throat and spoke up,

"S-so uh, Giyuu, do you like being a Hashira?" I asked nervously. I mentally scolded myself for asking such a dumb question but I couldn't help it. Small talk and starting conversations aren't my forte. His expression never changed and he responded with a small nod. Am I trying too hard? I thought to myself. I don't have the slightest clue as to what to talk about with him.

"I like being a demon slayer and all," I started.

"I wish we were recognized as an official organization by the government though. It'd make going to places with a sword a lot easier." I laughed, but my face turned slightly serious and I looked down and I sighed,

"I just wish I had become one sooner. I would have been able to protect my family. They were all I had since I lived out in the country in a small cottage," I looked up to see that his attention was on me as I spoke, I had piqued his interest. Realizing that I started to turn the mood a bit dull I laughed and said,

"I didn't have many friends so my conversation skills aren't peak," I smiled at him and the conversation ended when our food had arrived. I was thankful for this, I couldn't keep a conversation going if my life depended on it and I despised talking about myself since I automatically believe no one actually cares.

We ate our meal in silence. He was so graceful with how he ate, just as if he were handling his sword. I couldn't help but admire the way he ate with such ease and grace and that goes for all of the Hashira. All of them were so capable with whatever they did. We finished our food before I knew it and said our thanks. Giyuu reached into his pocket for money but I got up and walked to the counter the owner was standing at and handed him money with a generous tip before the Hashira could gather the amount.

It had gotten pretty late and so we made our way back. Eventually we parted ways when we had to but before we split off Giyuu spoke up,

"Thank you for the meal (Y/N)." 

I smiled kindly at him and nodded then started down the path to where I was staying. The smile I had on my face didn't disappear. I kept thinking about how it was the first I've heard him say my name. The thought of him saying my name made me feel a certain way, but I couldn't say what or why. I didn't make as much progress with Giyuu as I wanted, but I still praised myself nonetheless for trying.

I painted pictures in my mind of forming close bonds with the Hashira, including Giyuu. I thought about how we could train and laugh and share stories and food. I smiled to myself at the thought of being surrounded by the talented slayers and getting praise from them and praising them myself. I then started thinking about Rengoku. I wonder if he's awake, I need to tell him that I'm gonna be gone for a couple of days. I then shrugged off the thought, he'll realize that I'm on a mission.

The moon was full but there were clouds covering its full glow so it was dim. The path wasn't completely engulfed in darkness, I could still see where I was walking. I continued on for about 10 minutes until I started to notice a foul smell. What the hell is that? Is it an animal rotting? I thought to myself while approaching where the scent was coming from.

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