Kyo Come Quick!

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Here is another short story/chapter! What will be happening in this one is when their 1st born is really young. where all of the baby's firsts will be happening!

(y/n)'s POV

"Kyo come quick!" I yell, looking at our precious girl, Zoey. He runs into the room, knocking over our small table, smashing our vase. I giggle. "HER FIRST STEPS!!!!" I practically scream at him. He looks at her.

"What do you mean. She isn't even standing." I glare at him.

"Shut up you stupid cat and just watch." He glares when I call him that and he mutters under his breath. I look at her. "Come on Baby, show daddy." I say smiling. She slowly stands up and makes an attempt to walking towards him. She ends up making it half way until she trips and falls. 

"You're clumsy like your mother!" He laughs. I glare at him.

"Don't be mean." I pout. He chuckles and pulls me close to the baby and him. She looks up at him, smiling.

"M-Mean." She says, blowing a raspberry after. I look at him shocked, him looking at me.

"She got it from you!" He says, laughing. I also laugh.

"Yeah well she was talking about you, you meanie." I take Zoey out of his hands and walk to the kitchen. "Since I fed her breakfast, can you feed her some lunch?" I look at Kyo with Pleading eyes. He sighs at me.

"Fine fine. But she gets mean with me." He pouts looking down. "She is like her mom." I laugh, while twirling her Orange hair. She looks at me with her (E/C) eyes.

"No sir. She is like you." I put her in her Pink and white polka dotted high chair. She fusses a little bit until she is all buckled and ready to go. I hand him her plate. "Mac and cheese with a side of peas, good luck." He rolls his eyes at me.

"I got this I got this." He says, growling. I just smirk. She absolutely hates peas. He tries feeding her the peas first. She starts crying.

"NO!" She yells, slapping the spoon out of his hand. Peas go all over him and the floor. He looks at me annoyed, but before he can say anything, she takes the plate and tosses it at him, getting his shirt covered in Mac and Cheese. Which is very interesting because she really likes mac and cheese.

"(y/n) can you help?" He says, getting mad. I pick her up and move her to the living room.

"We will just give her snacks right now. Go watch her please and give these to her." I hand him some baby puffs. He scoffs and walks to the living room where Momiji, Haru, and Tohru is. I follow and smile while they all huddle around her. Zoey has a big smile on her face. But her smile fades when she looks around the room. Her favorite person isn't here sadly.

No One's POV

(Y/n) looks at her daughter, knowing what's wrong. Zoey has a favorite out of all 13 of the Sohmas. (y/n) looks throughout the house for him. She walks to the garden outside, seeing the man.

"Yuki. Zoey is looking for you. She looks pretty sad right now." He smiles a bit.

"Okay. I'm coming." We walk in to the living room together while he picks her up. She smiles while Kyo huffs.  I smile. Even though we all don't get along, I couldn't choose a better family.

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