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a/n Pretend covid doesn't exist, Jasmine and Anthony didn't date in Hamilton, and certain cast members have contact with Ant same with Jas. Also, Mind Over Matter, Isabella, and One More Hour don't exist.


    Jasmine was walking down the street to a hotdog cart. She was just at a photo shoot and they were taking a break. As she was walking down the street, Jasmine noticed someone was filming for something. She guessed it was a music video because she could hear music. The voice sounded familiar. She walked to the hotdog cart and noticed someone standing there. "Anthony!" she yelled getting his attention. "Jas, hey I haven't seen you in so long!" he said hugging me as soon as I made to him. "I know. I'm guessing this is your shoot?" Jazzy said more like a question. "Yeah! I'm shooting a music video for my new single," he answered proudly. I chuckled at how happy he was. "What's it called? I might just check it out," she asked. "It's called Stop and actually while your watching that, you should check out my album," Ant said. "Which is?" Jasmine asked her interest peaked. "The Good and The Bad," he said. "Sounds good," she said enthusiastically. "Anthony!" they heard someone call from across the street. "I gotta go," he said. "Wait," Jasmine said quickly. She got out a piece of paper and wrote her number down. "Here, you can text me later," she told him. "Well, I guess I'll talk to you later. Bye, Jas," Anthony said walking off. "Bye," she said. 

    As soon as Jasmine got home and wasn't busy, she went to Anthony's YouTube page. She spent the next thirty minutes listening to his music. She loved the sound of Anthony's voice. It could make her melt into a puddle of happy, satisfied, goop. After she finished listening to his music, Jasmine went to his social media. She wanted to see what he had been doing since he left Hamilton. She wanted to know what he had been doing. They were best friends during Hamilton, but after they left, they disconnected and lost contact. After a while, Jasmine started dozing off. Right before she was going to fall asleep, her phone got a notification. She grabbed her phone and checked the message.

Unknown: Hey! It's Anthony. I was gonna text you tomorrow, but I decided that I would today just because I can and so I can blow up your phone.

    Jasmine laughed at his message. She changed his name, so she would be able to recognize his number. She saved his number and texted back.

Jazzy: Ok, first of all it's fine that you texted me today, and second of all it's rude to blow up someone's phone.

Antman: Why'd you name me Antman?

Jazzy: Because it's funny.

Antman: Fine then, I'll change your name.

Antman has changed Jazzy's name to Peggles

Peggles: Why Peggles?

Antman: Because you're And Peggy.

Peggles: I hate you.

Antman: Thank you.

Peggles: I'm going to sleep. If you blow up my phone I'll throw it across the room and make you buy me a new one.

Antman: Looks like I'm buying you a new phone.

    Jasmine groaned as Anthony started spamming her phone. She was kidding when she said she would throw her phone, but it was starting to get tempting. She left her phone downstairs, and went and got in her bed, falling into a deep sleep.

-time-skip-the next day-

    Jasmine woke up and got ready for the day. Then she went downstairs, took a deep breath, and grabbed her phone. "102 notifications!" she squeaked out. She opened the chat to see a bunch of gibberish. 

Peggles: What is wrong with you?

Antman: What ever do you mean?

Peggles: I hate you with a passion.

Antman: No you don't :).

Peggles: Anyways, I just came up with the best idea.

Antman: Which is?

Peggles: I have like half the casts number, and you have the other half's number. We should create a chat for everyone.

    Before she new it, she got a notification that she had been added to a group chat. Jasmine opened the chat and texted. Then she added all the cast members she still talked to.

Jazzy: Hello?

Pippa: What is this, Jazzy?

Jazzy: Me and Anthony made a group chat so that the cast can reconnect.

Anthony: Yeah!

Oak: So everyones here?

Jazzy: Almost, most of the ensemble is missing. 

Lin: Cool.

Leslie: Jazzy!

Jazzy: Leslie!

Renee: And the pranksters are back!

Jazzy: Why is everyone being so sarcastic today? Did I miss a holiday or something?

Anthony: Ha! Jasmine's confused.

Jazzy: Renee your now my mom. Mom, tell Anthony to stop teasing me. 

Renee: Anthony stop teasing Jazzy.

Anthony: I didn't even say anything but okay.

Leslie: Y'all are to much. I need to leave.

    After that everyone stopped texting. Jasmine spent the rest of the day happy everyone had reconnected, and excited for what's to come.


(800 words)


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