Christmas Spirit Pt.2

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     It was Christmas Eve, and Anthony still didn't know what to get Jasmine. Yeah, he had gotten her gifts, but he hadn't gotten her the gift. The gift he knew would make her face light up and fill her with happiness and joy. He thought back to everything she had ever said she wanted and everything she hadn't said she wanted. After thinking for a while, it came to him. "The puppy!" he thought.

     A few weeks back, when they were decorating, Jasmine showed him a picture of a beautiful little white puppy. The way she talked about it made it so obvious that she wanted that dog. Anthony called the pet store to see if they still had it. Once he had made sure they still had the dog, he went to the store website, reserved it, and set his pick up date for early Christmas morning.

     The next day, Anthony woke up at 4am to get ready. He had to make it to the store by 5 to get the puppy. He got dressed quickly and made a small breakfast. He knew Jasmine would be up by the time he got back, so he paused to write a note and make a small breakfast for her before he finally left for the store. He made it there a few minutes before 5. Luckily, the worker was already there and let him in. "What should I buy for the dog?" Anthony asked the worker.

"Well, it needs food. Obviously. It should have some toys, a dog bed, and a cage if you're going to keep it inside. Leashes, collars, and even dog clothes if you want," the woman explained. Anthony went around the store picking up everything that he thought Jasmine would want for the puppy. Then, he paid for everything and headed home.

     When he made it home, the breakfast he made was eaten, and he could hear Christmas music upstairs, meaning that Jasmine was getting ready. Quietly, he wrapped all the non-breathing gifts and set them under the tree. He walked to their bedroom, dog in hand, ready to give her his gift. "Jazzy," he said, cracking the door a little bit.

"Yes," she responded.

"I have a present for you," he smiled.

"Can't you put it with the other gifts? I want us to open our gifts together," she asked.

"No this gift is a little different from the others," Anthony opened the door a little bit more and set the dog down. As soon as Jasmine saw it walk in the room, she let out a loud gasp.

"Oh my god, It's the puppy!" she squealed, picking it up. Anthony's heart soared when he saw how she looked at the puppy. It was the look he was hoping to get.

"Thank you!" Jasmine said, walking over and hugging him. They spent the rest of the day opening more presents and being happy. It was Christmas after all.

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