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Two months later.


"Whew, thank you Lord." Zinnia sighed when she saw the slight tint of red in her underwear. She'd missed the day her app said her period was to come and thought Zymeir had gotten her pregnant. I should get birth control.  "Babe!"

"Huh? You good?" He called back to her full of worry.

She laughed inside, Zymeir was always worried when she called him. "I'm okay. Can you bring me some clothes and underwear please? Not a thong please." Zinnia made sure to specify, she'd picked up a while ago that Zymeir loved her in thongs and she had no idea why.


Soon in came Zymeir and Moe making her pull her pants closer to her. She was already going to be shy when Zymeir came in but now she was slightly embarrassed.

"Mommmaaaaa," he called walking closer to her. He got as close as he could to her and began to try to climb in her lap. "I love youu."

She ultimately tried to stop him but he wouldn't, so she picked him up and sat him on her knees. "I love you too, my sweet boy."

He poked his lips out for a kiss and she gladly gave it to him. Moriah's new therapist was very kind and very different from his past one— Jasmine. She created goals to try and have Moriah reach without pushing him too much. They often did activities with emotions, memory, speech and more.

He was pronouncing words better and now spoke more sentences to his parents, but with strangers he kept himself limited. They talked about it with his therapist and were ultimately okay with that. They knew it was a trust thing.



He leaned up to her trying to whisper in her ear, she caught on and got closer. "Are you going potty?" he whispered to her. She laughed and nodded, hoping he would give her privacy "Okay."  He didn't get down but pretended to be busy by looking around the bathroom.

She looked at Zymeir who had her clothes laid on the counter beside him while mumbling along to a song. From the looks of it he brought her a tank top and yoga pants.

Have I really reached the no privacy, mommy stage?

"Solly, come get him, please." She called to him.

"What's wrong?" He looked at her through the mirror "He chillin'."

"I have to use the bathroom, Bae."

"Oh! Right." He walked over and picked the kid up then kissed her forehead. "yo' cycle came?" He asked while Looking at her. He couldn't see what she was hiding but he had an idea from her asking him to bring her clothes.

She nodded. "Finally."

"Mm. I love yo' lil sexy ass." He spoke still looking at her. He loved everything about her, from her short hair that was currently in a small fro to her freshly manicured toes that Zinnia asked him to massage just about everyday.

"I love you too."

"Ah!" A mini scream was heard from Moriah as he climbed in the bathroom tub. "Bath Time!" He cheesed standing in the empty tub.

Zymeir was still looking at her, as if she wasn't trying to use the bathroom. "Baby, I really have to use the bathroom. Can y'all give me a little bit of privacy? I'll come cuddle after I get out of the shower ." Zinnia tried to bribe him.

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