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"Uhh," Zymeir hummed, looking around the office. There were multiple doors that lead to different offices, barely any of the doors held the name of the doctor who currently used the room. "Third to the left." He thought out loud, remembering what Zinnia told him over the phone.

Following the directions he soon came to a stop at the door he hoped belonged to Moriah's therapist. Zymeir knocked on the door twice then began to wait for it to open.

In the meantime he looked to his right a little, looking at a peaceful Moe who was resting his head on his shoulder. Moriah had a little piece of crumbs from the chips he'd recently eaten in the car, so Zymeir wiped it off gently with his thumb.

The door slowly opened making Zymeir look straight ahead. The smell of citrus and vanilla began to seep into his nose making him blink a little. "Hi..." Jasmine trailed off looking at the tall man in front of her.

Zymeirs eyes fell down onto the lady who was looking at him a little too hard. "Hey, are you Dr.Philips?"

"Yes, I am. You are.." She asked, continuing to look at the handsome man that stood in front of her. Her hair was in big textured curls that surrounded her small face, a black shirt sweater, and a pair of dark blue Jeans. She was checking out Zymeir's facial features so much that she barely even noticed the little boy in his arms.

He stepped back a little bit, letting moe down. "My name is Zymeir. I'm dropping Moriah off for his therapy session." He spoke looking up to her as he re-tied Moriah's shoe strings.

"Oh. Hi,Moriah how are you?" She asked instantly, putting her attention on him.

Moe shrugged, walking into the decently sized office. "I okay. Goldie!" He screamed excitedly when he seen the bunny-rabbit nibbling on his food.

"Feel free to come in." Jasmine spoke to Zymeir while following behind Moe. "Yes Goldie. You remember Goldie?"

Turning around Moriah nodded. He did remember the animal.

"I'm gonna take his coat off and then let you guys start. What time should I come back?" Zymeir asked while going over to moe and unzipping his coat.

She didn't answer instantly, she strolled over to her desk leaning over it to supposedly looking at the time.

He looked over to her only to instantly scrunch his eyebrows. Yo, what the fuck? Jasmine was bent over her desk with her small behind tooted in the air. Zymeir caught onto her games. He didn't like how she was doing this with Moriah in the room- or at all. "Zinnia told me the session is 45 minutes long, I'll come back then."

"Oh,well alright. Oh! Who are you again? His uncle?"

Zymeir stared at her, he and Zinnia didn't look similar. But he and they did have the same first letter in their names. "Nah, I date Zinnia, she's at work so I'm dropping him off."

The images of Zymeir bending her over came to a halt when she heard that. She stood up straight and turned around to the man. "Nice to meet you."

"You too." He said before bending down and kissing Moriah's forehead "I'll be back, okay pooh?" He asked running his hands over Moe's slicked ponytail, he had a couple flyaways that Zymeir was trying to push back down.

After, he gave Moe a small squeeze as he began to hug him. Zinnia and Zymeir always made sure to show Moe affection, rather though hugs, kisses, telling him nice thing, or even just taking him places. They wanted him to know they loved him.

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