Chapter 20: Assumptions

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💫 Drops of Starlight 💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose

Thank you to enchanters_creations on ig for drawing adorable fan art for this story! A perfect photograph for Chibi-Usa's scrapbook indeed! You can find it on my Instagram story ( highlight titled "fanfiction"

Chapter 20: Assumptions

The following morning, Usagi chose to remain silent about the unsettling nightmare that had plagued her sleep. With Seiya's attack at the mall, her own encounter at the cafe, and now the haunting dream, her thoughts were in a whirlwind.

Did the rest of Queen Beryl's generals continue to lurk in the shadows? Was Nephrite truly behind the recent monstrous attacks? If not him, who, and what was their motive? The riddle that sent Usagi's thoughts spiraling, induced a throbbing headache. She fought to push aside the barrage of questions, staying wrapped in Seiya's arms as the morning light roused her. Seiya's touch offered comfort, a balm against her stress. However, their tranquil moment was short-lived as Chibi-Usa demanded that someone get up and change her soggy diaper.

With the morning routine in full swing, Usagi, Seiya, and Hotaru embarked on making homemade pancakes. Simultaneously, they juggled the task of entertaining Chibi-Usa with an assortment of toys. The kitchen morphed into a mess, and Usagi inevitably got flour in her hair, but the pancakes turned out scrumptious.

They convened around the kitchen table, topping the flapjacks with sliced strawberries, dollops of whipped cream, and drowning them in half a bottle of maple syrup. Amid the feast, Hotaru chatted about her favorite school subjects and her plans post-graduation. The phone's ringing punctuated the atmosphere. Usagi jumped up to seize the retriever.

"Hello?" she said.

"May I have a word with Mrs. Chiba?" inquired the courteous voice on the other end.

"That's me," Usagi said, wincing inwardly. She made a mental note to see if she could change her last name back sooner.

"Calling from Dr. Kusama's office. I'm here to remind you of Chibi-Usa's scheduled six-month checkup today at one-thirty. Kindly bring your insurance information and an updated list of medications. We recommend arriving fifteen minutes ahead of the appointment."

"Oh!" Usagi's hand flew to her forehead as realization hit. "Yes, that's right! Um, we'll be there. Thank you. Bye."

"Is something wrong?" Hotaru asked when she returned to the table, looking distraught.

"It's just, I totally forgot about Chibi-Usa's doctor's appointment today..."

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Seiya asked.

Usagi's voice held a note of relief as she replied, "Would you? I always have my hands full with all her baby gear."

"Of course, but considering the current weather conditions, how far is it? The news mentioned slippery roads and train delays. I don't want both of you out if it's dangerous."

"The clinic's actually within walking distance. In the summer I'd push her in the stroller there and back."

"As long as the sidewalks are safe, we should be alright then."

Hotaru chimed in, "Should I tag along too?"

"Better safe than sorry." Usagi sighed. "It seems like every time we step outside, we attract trouble."


That chilly afternoon, bundled up, they ventured into the wintery world that had taken over Tokyo. The sky hung heavy with a murky shade of white, and the snow trickled down cinematically. Gratefully, the path leading to the hospital had been shoveled clear of snow. Scattered fragments of sidewalk salt crunched under their boots as they trod, the crisp air turned their cheeks rosy.

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