The Mall

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Deseree: Heyy,, whats up my ratchet biatch

Me: Shut up,, you don't know the meaning of those two words (we both laugh) So basically...( I tell her every thing that happened with jaden )

As we're sitting down in Starbucks with our drinks.

Deseree: Shut up,, don't lie to me

Me: I'm being serious

We sat there finishing our drinks while deseree try's to get her head around everything...then 5mins later

Deseree: so what your saying is I turn my back for two seconds and you play sucky faces with THE JADEN SMITH

We both burst out laughing super loud in the store and everyone looks at us weird. So I pull Deseree up and say...

Me:(still laughing) Shut up let's go shopping.

As we're walking around the mall it was getting more and more busy.

Deseree pulls me into a shop and holds out a jaden smith calendar

Deseree: Look it's your boyfriend

Me: (laughing) he's not my boyfriend (I say snatching the calendar from her)

Deseree: So why are you buying it

Me: (trying to keep a straight face) It's for Amelia

Deseree just looks at me and under her breath says lier and we both cant help but laughing again

Me: leave me alone (pushing her out the way and grabbing the bag to leave the shop)

We go to check out what all the commotion is and push our way to the front of the crowed. I notice a very familiar face but I can't quite see his face very clearly...when suddenly deseree pushes me straight forward sending me crashing into the boys back. It seems I startled him cause he fell to the ground and I was laying on top of him. I got up as quick as I could and tried to walk in the other direction but he pulled my arm and span me into was Jaden.

Jaden: meeting you once was luck twice I have to call fait ( He said with a smile on his face) do you wanna go grab something to eat its a bit crowded down here ( he winked at me)

Me: ( Trying not to get lost in his beautiful dark brown eyes) sorry...I'm actually here with my friend.

Jaden: (sad) ohh well he's a lucky guy

Me: haha no She's my best friend Deseree

Jaden: (face brightens up) ohh well bring her along me and my friends were just going to grab some in-n-out and then go back the my place and chill and you promised we could do that some time

Me: ( laughing) yeah sure we'll come (signalling for deseree to come over)

Before she made it over to me a boy grabbed her hand and it was like they instantly hit it of kinda like me and Jaden. I was about to go over but jaden said he was his best mate Matéo. I looked over at her and she gave me the thumbs up as I turned back to jaden and smiled. He offered me his hand as we walked out of the mall with our fingers interlocked with each others

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