3 Months Later

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"Y/n wake up, wake up" as I tried to sneak a peak through the sliver I my eye I could keep open, I saw my mum sitting beside me on my be trying to wake me up. "Morning sunshine " she exhaled as she dose nearly every morning. That's the thing I love about my mum no matter how down anyone's feeling she puts in a brave face but I suppose being a single parent of a sixteen nearly seventeen year old daughter and a fourteen year old daughter you have to be. My mums name is Catherine and my lil sisters is Amelia, were supper close probably cause their three girls in the house but it also causes a lot of drama."What do you want" I say annoyed. "Time to get up grumpy" she answers. "Mum it's holidays and I've left school now I'm 16 remember"I say still annoyed. "I know your still upset about Jawan but its been free months babe""ohh thanxx for reminding my mum, now can you please get out of my room."turning the other way under the quilt. "No, get up and get ready I've got you an audition for a new film starring that handsome boy your sister loves" "Jaden Smith?"I say "That's the one " she smiles and shakes me. "Isn't he like 5Years old" I roll my eyes, whilst my mum blabs on about how he's now 16 and matured rather firmly and how he's apparently "my type" how dose she even know what my type is,but to shut her upp I said "alright what time we gotta be there" she smiled at me...

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